Week 39

Week 39: Sep. 24 – 30 (Archive)

September 24

  • Alexander Findlay, born 1874, authority on phase rule.
  • AndrÉ F. Cournand, born 1895, conducted first clinical cardiac catheterization; Nobel Prize in Medicine (1956).

September 25

  • Charles Hatchett published method for separating iron from manganese in 1813.
  • Thomas H. Morgan, born 1866, founder of modern genetics; Nobel Prize in Medicine (1933).
  • Motorola incorporated as Galvin Manufacturing Corporation in 1928.

September 26

  • Joseph L. Proust, born 1754, discovered law of constant proportions (Proust's law); recognized difference between oxides and hydroxides; isolated grape sugar.
  • Henkel founded in 1876.
  • Archibald V. Hill, born 1886, researcher on oxygen consumption of muscular action; Nobel Prize in Medicine (1922).

September 27

  • A. W. Herman Kolbe, born 1818, first to use term "synthesis"; synthesized acetic acid and salicylic acid; proposed theory of radicals; suggested existence of secondary and tertiary alcohols.
  • Discovery of a synthetic abrasive to replace diamonds announced in 1934.

September 28

  • Henri Moissan, born 1852; in 1886, discovered fluorine (F, 9); invented electric furnace in which he prepared metal and silicon carbides; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1906).
  • Solvay Process Co. incorporated in 1881.

September 29

  • Enrico Fermi, born 1901, researcher on neutron-induced nuclear reactions; Nobel Prize in Physics (1938).
  • GenCorp incorporated as General Rubber Mfg. in 1915.
  • Peter D. Mitchell, born 1920, researcher on chemiosmotic reactions and reaction systems; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1978).

September 30

  • Antoine J. Balard, born 1802, discovered bromine (Br, 35) in seawater (1826), hypochlorous acid, and chlorine monoxide.
  • Jean-Marie P. Lehn, born 1939, researcher on three-dimensional stacked-layer polycyclic compounds; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1987).
  • Johann Deisenhofer, born 1943, researcher on three-dimensional structure of proteins related to photosynthesis; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1988).
  • L. B. Werner and I. Perlman reported isolation of first microscopic amount of compound of curium (Cm, 96) at University of California, Berkeley in 1947.