Learn more about the science of photography, cryo-electron microscopy, and other topics discussed during the event, featuring contributing experts and co-producers.
National Chemistry Week - Contests, educational resources, and tools to help you plan outreach events for your community related to this year's theme, Picture Perfect Chemistry.
Chemistry in Pictures - C&EN’s Chemistry in Pictures showcases the beauty of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the allied sciences through photos and images provided by scholarly journals, C&EN editors, and reader submissions.
Cryoem101.org - A free media-rich approach to learning the principles of cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography featuring videos, animations, interactive simulations, and real data that cover relevant steps along a typical project workflow. Developed by Peter Shen, Janet Iwasa, and Julia Brasch at the University of Utah.
#ACSPIB Social Media Wall - See photos, videos, and posts shared during the live event.
Lippmann Color Plates - Beautiful examples of photos processed on Lippmann Plates by photographer Nick Brandreth.
History of Chemical Photography - From Rice University and the Museum of Fine Arts Houston's "Chemistry of Art" project, shared by ChemClash trivia contributor Charles McAnany.
Ai Lab at UVA - Learn more about Professor Huiwang Ai and his lab's efforts to engineer proteins for scientific imaging and health.
Gomez Group at Penn State - Learn more about Professor Enrique Gomez and his lab's research into the role of structure on the electrical properties of complex soft matter.
The World Close Up - See more striking microscopic images of our world captured by Scanning Electron Microscopist Steve Gschmeissner.
ACS Student Chapters - Start (or reactivate) a Student Chapter at your institution.
ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry - The home for analytical chemists at ACS since 1938. Join today to become part of a community that is enthusiastic about discovery and measurement science!
“It’s a great event for us, and a fantastic way to help our members feel connected to their university community and to ACS as a whole…The fact that the entire event is essentially sent to us, pre-made, in a box makes the event very low maintenance. Because of this, we are able to focus more locally on promotion, acquiring food, and reserving space. This is where the focus is most important and the box concept frees us up to be able to do this.”
- R. Riley Hatch, The University of Houston