
Goal 5

Embrace and Advance Inclusion in Chemistry

Promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect; identify and dismantle barriers to success; and create a welcoming and supportive environment so that all ACS members, employees, and volunteers can thrive.

ACS will exemplify diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect and highlight their importance to the profession at every level by embracing and celebrating our differences in our programs, products, services, and leadership. We recognize that the world has not been an equal nor equitable space for everyone, and science is no different. ACS will evaluate the impact of administrative and governance actions intended to enhance inclusion and will build sustainable processes for addressing inequities. The Society will speak out against injustice, establish professional standards, and provide training for creating an inclusive culture, both internally and externally. ACS will recruit, retain, develop, and recognize members, employees, and volunteers from all backgrounds by building an inclusive culture. ACS will support partnerships aimed at creating equal opportunities and a sense of belonging in science.

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Underrepresented minority students awarded scholarships via the ACS Scholars Program




Name change requests received and fulfilled as a result of a landmark Author Name Change Policy

ACS Publications Name Change Policy


Women entrepreneurs featured in C&EN’s Inaugural Trailblazers Issue

Trailblazers issue


Scientists participated in the CAS Future Leaders Program in 2020

CAS Future Leaders