Advocating for Yourself—Stop Looking for Yoda to Advance Your Career

ACS Webinars

What barriers exist for women and other underrepresented groups within the chemical community and most importantly, how can you overcome these impediments?

Become the “Jedi Master” of your own career advancement during this free interactive broadcast that will be beneficial to all scientists desiring to promote themselves throughout their professional lives. Join accomplished and diverse panelists like the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School at Michigan Technological University Pushpa Murthy and ACS Board of Directors Kathleen Schulz and Dorothy Phillips as well as moderator Amy Balija of Radford University for a discussion on how to recognizing career hurdles and how to advocate for yourself.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover the career path of the panel as well as the barriers they faced and how they were overcome
  • What skills, characteristics, behaviors or experiences are necessary to succeed as a female or underrepresented chemist
  • Valuable advice from the successful panel regarding on what they wish they knew earlier in their careers

Additional Resources


Pushpa Murthy
Michigan Technological University

Dorothy Phillips
ACS Board of Directors

Kathleen Schulz
ACS Board of Directors

Amy Balija
Radford University

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