ACS Green Chemistry Institute

International Affiliates: Brazil

The Brazilian Green Chemistry chapter has assembled a multi-disciplinary committee of university professors to create a Brazilian green chemistry homepage. The website is expected to provide access to published resources, laboratory exercises, other green chemistry websites and a national discussion group. The University of the Itajai Valley is interested in hosting this website and also in hosting a green chemistry national workshop.

Contact Information:

Prof. Frank H. Quina

Chemistry Institute of University of Sao Paulo
Instituto de QuÍmica - USP - Bloco 4S - Sala 0461
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748
Cidade UniversitÁria
05508-900 São Paulo – SP
Tel: 11-3091-2162 (IQ-USP)
Tel:11-3091-2262 (CEPEMA/EPUSP)

Prof. Dr. AndrÉ Oliveira de Souza Lima

Laboratório de Microbiologia Aplicada (LAMA)
Sala 128 - Bloco 20
Univali - campus ItajaÍ-SC
Rua: Uruguai, 458
CEP 88302-202 ItajaÍ-SC-Brasil
Tel: 47- 3417929

Adelaide Maria de Souza Antunes

Escola de QuÍmica
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro
Rua General San Martin 317/301
Rio de Janeiro 22441-010
Tel: 5521 259 9689
Fax: 5521 590 4991