Bringing Science to the Media, Policymakers and the Public

Learn how to communicate science to the media, policymakers and the public. Session will include opportunities to develop personalized stories. Refreshments will be provided.

Time: Sunday, August 25, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: San Diego Convention Center, Room 30A, San Diego, CA, USA

Registration for this workshop is now closed.

Workshop Agenda

9:00 – 9:15 am

Welcome and outline of activities

Susan R. Morrissey, Director of Communications, ACS

9:15 – 9:40 am

Panel 1: Communicating to the Media

Moderator: Susan R. Morrissey, Director of Communications, ACS

9:40 – 10:05 am

Panel 2: Communicating to Policymakers

Moderator: Ryan L. Risenmay, S&T Communications Partner, PNNL

10:05 – 10:30 am

Panel 3: Communicating for Public Outreach

Moderator: Karen Garcia, Sr. Legislative Associate, ACS

  • Panelist 1: Raychelle Burks, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, St. Edward’s University
  • Panelist 2: Darryl A. Boyd, Research Chemist, Naval Research Lab, and STEM Director at the Transformational Education Adventure Center
  • Panelist 3: Jennifer Maclachlan, Managing Director, PID Analyzers, LLC
10:30 – 10:45 am

Presentation on Science Communication/Exercise introduction

Christopher McCarthy, Manager, Social Media & Member Engagement, ACS

10:45 – 11:25 am

Story/Pitch Development Exercise

Individuals will be given time to develop stories/pitches independently and they will be able to “speed share” their story/pitch with other attendees.

11:25 – 11:30 am

Summary of panels/content shared today; wrap up

Susan R. Morrissey, Director of Communications, ACS