Earth Day 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the world's largest environmental movement!

The Great Global Cleanup

We are building Earth’s largest cleanup crew!
Will you join us?

Join ACS, Earth Day Network, and partners across the world to build Earth’s largest cleanup crew. Your ACS-sponsored cleanup will be visible on The Great Global Cleanup map which will link directly to your event.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day was first officially recognized on April 22, 1970 as a way to demonstrate support for a healthy environment, raise awareness about environmental issues, and remind people that we all contribute to a sustainable planet.

What is Chemists Celebrate Earth Week?

For years, chemists have been promoting a better world through recyclable plastics, cleaner-burning fuels, phosphate-free detergents, environmental monitoring, and green chemistry initiatives. To promote the positive role that chemistry plays in the world, ACS established the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) public awareness campaign. During CCEW, ACS members and chemistry enthusiasts celebrate by coordinating events and communicating the importance of chemistry.

Celebrate Earth Week logo

child holding a globe

CCEW 2020 Planning Resources

ACS will celebrate Earth Day through CCEW 2020 from April 19-25 with the theme, "Protecting Our Planet through Chemistry." ACS and Earth Day Network are creating resources and programs to support ACS members and chemistry enthusiasts in joining the campaign.

Resources will be available on February 1, 2020.

April 20-26, 2025

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week

Theme: Glaciers: Hot Topic, Cool Chemistry!

To promote the positive role that chemistry plays in the world, ACS established the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) public awareness campaign. During CCEW, ACS members and chemistry enthusiasts celebrate by coordinating events and communicating the importance of chemistry. Read more about CCEW.

Celebrate the International Year of Glacier Preservation and glaciers' role in creating a more sustainable world during April 21-27, 2025, which is Chemists Celebrate Earth Week.

Glaciers are sheets of ice formed by snow falling on them more than melting. Over many years, the snow gets packed into ice, to form the large structures we see when we visit places like Antarctica and Greenland.

Glaciers are important for many reasons. They store a lot of fresh water. Snow adds to this stored water, and in warmer weather, some of the ice melts into fresh water. Glaciers are heavy and slide slowly downhill, shaping the land as they move. Their snowy surfaces reflect sunlight, which helps keep the Earth from getting too hot.

Scientists usually expect glaciers to change slowly over a long time. But now, studies show that glaciers are changing faster than before. View the website for more information about glaciers and fun facts like these:

  • Did you know that over two-thirds of world’s fresh water is frozen in glaciers?
  • Did you know glaciers keep the earth from becoming too warm? They reflect sunlight away and keep the earth comfortable enough for us to live in.

Read and enjoy this Hot Topic as you learn about the Cool Chemistry of glaciers and their impact on our everyday lives!

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