About Chemists Celebrate Earth Week

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) is a community-based program of the American Chemical Society (ACS). This annual program unites ACS local sections, student chapters, technical divisions, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the positive role that chemistry plays in the world. CCEW occurs annually during the week of Earth Day, which is April 22.

Earth Day was first officially recognized on April 22, 1970 as a way to demonstrate support for a healthy environment, raise awareness about environmental issues, and remind people that we all need to contribute to a sustainable planet.

For years, chemists have been promoting a better world through recyclable plastics, cleaner-burning fuels, phosphate-free detergents, environmental monitoring, and green chemistry initiatives. The ACS joined the Earth Day celebration in 2003. There have been annual CCEW events ever since. Read all of ACS’s policy statements on Sustainability & the Environment here.

CCEW is administered by the ACS Office of Science Outreach, which is part of the Education Division. The Committee on Community Activities (CCA) serves as the advisory group for outreach programs, and selects and develops the CCEW themes and materials.

Earth Day 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the world's largest environmental movement!

Partnership for Earth Day's 50th Anniversary

Earth Day 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the world's largest environmental movement. Earth Day was first officially recognized on April 22, 1970 as a way to demonstrate support for a healthy environment, raise awareness about environmental issues, and remind people that we all contribute to a sustainable planet.

For years, chemists have been promoting a better world through recyclable plastics, cleaner-burning fuels, phosphate-free detergents, environmental monitoring, and green chemistry initiatives. To promote the positive role that chemistry plays in the world, ACS established the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) public awareness campaign. During CCEW, ACS members and chemistry enthusiasts celebrate by coordinating events and communicating the importance of chemistry.

ACS is excited to partner with the Earth Day Network in 2020 to honor this landmark anniversary. ACS will celebrate through CCEW 2020 from April 19-25 with the theme, "Protecting Our Planet through Chemistry." ACS and the Earth Day Network are creating resources and programs to support ACS members and chemistry enthusiasts joining the campaign.

CCEW logo

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) is a community-based program of the American Chemical Society (ACS). This annual program unites ACS local sections, student communities, ACS divisions, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the positive role that chemistry plays in the world. Earth Day is observed on April 22 and CCEW is celebrated the week of Earth Day.

Earth Day was first officially recognized on April 22, 1970 as a way to demonstrate support for a healthy environment, raise awareness about environmental issues, and remind people that we all need to contribute to a sustainable planet. ACS joined the Earth Day celebration in 2003. There have been annual CCEW events ever since. Read all of ACS’s policy statements on Sustainability & the Environment.

CCEW is administered by the ACS Office of Science Outreach, which is part of the Education Division. The Committee on Community Activities (CCA) serves as the advisory group for outreach programs, and selects and develops the CCEW themes and materials.

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week Logo


CCEW 2025

April 20-26, 2025
Topic: Glaciers
Theme: Glaciers: Hot Topic, Cool Chemistry!
En Español: ¡Tema Candente, Química Refrescante!

CCEW 2026

April 19-25, 2026
Topic: Trees and Forests
Theme: Into the Woods with Chemistry
En Español: Dentro del Bosque con la Química

Past Themes

YearDatesTopicTheme Name
2024April 21-27BatteriesGet a Charge out of Chemistry
2023April 16-22AlgaeThe Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae
2022April 17-23Insect ChemistryThe Buzz About Bugs: Insect Chemistry
2021April 18-24Reduce and ReuseReducing Our Footprint with Chemistry
2020April 19-25SustainabilityProtecting Our Planet through Chemistry
2019April 21-27PaperTake Note: The Chemistry of Paper
2018April 22-28OceansDive into Marine Chemistry
2017April 22AgricultureChemistry Helps Feed the World
2016April 22Indoor AirThe Great Indoors—Your  Home's Ecosystem
2015April 22AtmosphereClimate Science—More Than Just A Weather Report!
2014April 22Water The Wonders of Water
2013April 22"Best of" All TopicsOur Earth: Handle with Care!
2012April 22RecyclingRethinking Recycling—It’s Easy to Be Green!
2011April 22Alternative EnergyEnergy—It’s Everywhere!
2010April 22Plants & SoilPlants—The Green Machines!
2009April 22AtmosphereAir—The Sky is the Limit
2008April 22WaterStreaming Chemistry
2007April 22RecyclingRecycling—Chemistry Can!
2006April 22Plants & SoilDig It!
2005April 22AtmosphereAir—Here, There, Everywhere
2004April 22WaterWhat Do You Know About H2O?
2003April 22TreesChemis—TREE
Bill Nye and Professor Molenium
Professor Molenium and Bill Nye at the March for Science, 2017 (Washington, DC)

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