Use social media branding assets and other communication tools to contribute to a coordinated campaign and share the importance of chemistry in everyday life.

Ways to talk about the campaign

Use these suggested posts on social media to talk about the campaign, its activities, and its resources. 

#CCEW #EarthDay2025 #GreenChemistry
#ChemistsCelebrateEarthWeek #ChemistryofGlaciers

This April 20-26, 2025 chemists across the globe will join and celebrate #ChemistsCelebrateEarthWeek. Participate by planning your own #CCEW event – or finding a scheduled event near you.

 Happy Earth Day and Chemists Celebrate Earth Week! My favorite fun fact about Glaciers is…(type in your answer) #CCEW #EarthDay2025 #chemistryofglaciers

Did you know? There are very large glaciers that are known as ice sheets that extend over areas of at least 19,000 square miles. #CCEW #EarthDay2025

Did you know that glaciers that are so many years old, scientists can use them to study what the weather was like millions of years ago? Learn more about glaciers this #CCEW. #ChemistryofGlaciers

Design Toolkit

Download official design materials for use on social media, during events, for email flyers, and more. Use the materials for all your communications needs.

View design materials

CCEW Advocacy Opportunity

As one of the largest scientific organizations in the world, ACS regularly engages the Executive Branch and U.S. Congress to encourage legislation and policies that advance chemistry and STEM education. ACS advocates for strong funding for scientific research, strengthening of STEM education at all levels, sustainable chemistry practices, and much more. However, ACS cannot do it alone. It needs the voices of constituents to emphasize the importance of science, and specifically, chemistry!

As part of Chemists Celebrate Earth Week 2025, ACS is encouraging chemists and chemistry enthusiasts to engage by contacting their members of Congress in support of climate change legislation.  ACS makes engagement easy through resources including: how to find your members of Congress, scripts for your call, links to email you can send in minutes, and information on the chemistry issues up for consideration in Congress now. You can stay updated on these issues and opportunities by signing up for Act4Chemistry. You can also learn more about how to advocate, and sign up for the free and on-demand ACS Chemistry Advocacy Workshop

Below you will find a list of legislative bills currently up for consideration in Congress. You will find the number and name, a description, and a link if you wish to email.

  1. H.R. 1512, The Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s Future (the CLEAN Future) Act – boosts investment in clean, sustainable domestic energy resources
  2. H.R. 2307, The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2021 – assigns a price to carbon emissions and returns revenue to the American public
  3. S. 3531, The National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy Act – creates a Chief Resilience Officer position within the Executive Office of the President to coordinate climate adaptation across the federal government

Take Action Now

Another idea to spread the word... plan a networking happy hour!

Host trivia or a contest over live video conferencing, and invite your friends and others to chat about chemistry.

Communication Tools

Talking Points About ACS (PDF)

Need extra help finding your CCEW Coordinator?

You can find your Chemists Celebrate Earth Week Coordinator in an ACS local section or international chapter here.

Contact local CCEW Coordinator   

Contact international CCEW Coordinator

Contact icon

Contact the ACS Office of Science Outreach