October 2017 Issue
Open for Discussion: Performance Drinks
By Raima Larter
How do you decide whether to choose water or energy drinks when exercising?
Interview with Susan Miller–Manager, Office of Public Affairs, Fairfax Water, Fairfax, VA
By Michael Tinnesand
ChemMatters talked to Susan about how she came to her current position and some of the issues she faces while dealing with our water supply.
Compost: Your Trash, Nature’s Treasure
By Julia R. Barrett
Composting is a way to harvest crops with natural fertilizer and reduce our contribution to greenhouse gases—a win-win!
Featured Video
As a Matter of Fact
Water Treatment: From Reservoir to Home
A Toxic Dose of Water: How Much Is Too Much?
By Raima Larter
Your cells are delicate and need to balance electrolytes, so don’t stress them out by drinking too much water!
*Available in print issue only
Chemistry Rocks!
By Brian Rohrig
To celebrate National Chemistry Week, discover how minerals, rocks, and crystals are related.
*Available in print issue only
Making Water Safe to Drink
By Frankie Wood-Black
Water is abundant, but drinking water must be free of contaminants. Learn about the many ways water is purifi ed before it pours out of your faucet.
*Available in print issue only
Dental Fillings: A Reaction in Your Mouth
By Sergio Pistoi
When tooth decay hits, your dentist fi lls the cavity. But have you ever thought about what is in the fi lling? It used to be gold, now it’s a polymer.