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Celebrating Paper! Why Paper Thrives in a Digital World
By Steve Keller
Paper is an ancient invention, but its versatility for many uses from origami to packaging is unrivaled. Naturally, the key is in its chemistry!
Teacher's Guides: Reading Supports Tools and Resources
* Article in Spanish Translation

Paper vs. Pixel
By Michael Tinnesand
While the digital shift from paper can be a big money-saver, it is also promoted in some cases as an environmentally friendly one. But are digital communications really a greener way to go?

Profile: Andres Martinez
By Christine Suh
Learn how chemistry professor Andres Martinez gained confidence as a student and persevered through general chemistry—and read his surprising advice for high school science students.
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Fighting Frizz: How Chemistry Solved a Bad Hair Day
By Raadhia Patwary
Warm, humid weather signals spring, outdoor sports, and for some, bad hair days. Here's how one chemist helped his daughter fight off fizz.
Teacher's Guides: Reading Supports Tools and Resources

The Periodic Table's Final Four
Scientists raced to complete the periodic table. Now what?
By Adrian Dingle
The race to fill in the periodic table, as you know it, ended with the official placement of four elements in 2016. Find out what makes them chemical curiosities.
Teacher's Guides: Reading Supports Tools and Resources

What Are Pool Chemicals and How Do They Protect Swimmers?
By Celia Henry Arnaud
Unearth truths about pool chemistry, including why you're partly responsible for the "chlorine" smell, and what really turns hair green.
Teacher's Guides: Reading Supports Tools and Resources