Free Articles
Bugs and the Future of Meat
By XiaoZhi Lim
Feeding the growing world population comes with an environmental cost. Edible insects could be part of a sustainable and tasty future.
What’s the Difference Between Art and Science?
By Michael Tinnesand
You might think that art and science—and their respective practitioners—have little in common. But a closer examination dispels this notion.
The Power of a Prize
By Max G. Levy
Optimism, competitiveness, and creativity led Marcius Extavour to work on multimillion-dollar contests that yield innovative solutions.
Subscriber Exclusive Articles
ChemMatters subscribers have full access to all feature articles in this issue.

How Hair Removers Get Rid of Unwanted Fuzz
By Sam Lemonick, Chemical & Engineering News
People have been experimenting with hair removers since prehistoric times, sometimes with harmful effects. Find out how today’s creams work safely.

Can You Power Devices With Your Body?
By Max G. Levy
Imagine capturing and using energy from movement—from walking to heartbeats—the same way we harness energy from the sun. What would you charge with your footsteps?

Bottled Water Wars
By Krystal Vasquez
Fizzy, plain, flavored, or alkaline. Drinking water has never before come in so many varieties. Understand the chemistry and health implications of your options.