Bring the Workshop to Your Campus
Email us for cost information and details about how to host a workshop!
Helping attendees explore the intersectionality between their values, skills, and career goals as they prepare to enter the job market.
Location: On-Campus or Online Live
The Career Kick-Starter Workshop (CKS) is a career development workshop for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences. Through interactive activities and discussions, attendees will assess their values and strengths, explore careers, develop career goals, and learn strategies to navigate the job search process.
Chemical science departments and clubs/organizations that cater to chemical scientists are encouraged to host this career-development event to equip graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with knowledge, strategies, and tools to plan for their careers.
The workshop is available as an in-person event on campus or a live event online:
- On-campus: Two-days including personal career consulting
- Virtual: Flexible scheduling at request of institution
Who Should Attend
Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars that are looking for guidance on their career development.
This workshop is also offered by the ACS Bridge Program for invitees only.
What You'll Learn
After this workshop, attendees will be able to:
- Understand how skills, values and opportunities intersect to create a satisfying career path.
- Identify their own personal values and skills.
- Develop goals to reach their desired career objective.
- Apply strategies for career exploration in different job sectors.
- Conduct a successful job search.
CKS participants will also participate in one-one-one career advising sessions with ACS Career Consultants.