Global Virtual Symposia
Global Reach, Local Time, Online:
Present your research at ACS Fall 2025 during your time zone!
Global Virtual Symposia is a part of the ACS Digital Meeting that offers researchers to present their work online at ACS Fall 2025, at the convenience of their time zone.
The symposia sessions have been scheduled across multiple GMT time zones to encourage researchers from Asia, Oceania, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America to participate.
Beyond the convenience of time, researchers enjoy similar benefits of the ACS Meetings such as selected abstracts included in the CAS database and the chance to present their work to an international audience. These virtual meetings adhere to stringent and time-tested processes.
The following is part of the Global Virtual Symposia at the ACS Fall 2025.
Symposium Title | Division/Committee | Date | Symposium Chairs |
Development of theoretical methods, algorithms and applications to relevant chemical problems | Physical Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Ultrafast Dynamics of Electronic Excited States in the Condensed Phase | Physical Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Frontiers in Catalytic Hydroelementation Reactions | Organic Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Gold-Mediated Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Reactions in Crystals | Organic Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Applications of Sustainable Chemistry in the Synthesis of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides | Organic Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Advances in Biomaterials Science: Bridging Translational Gaps for Clinical Excellence | Biochemistry and Chemical Biology | August 17-21 |
Biomaterial Strategies for Advanced Drug Delivery and Regenerative Medicine | Biochemistry and Chemical Biology | August 17-21 |
Advancements in Underground Carbon Storage | Energy and Fuels | August 17-21 |
Advanced Nanomaterials for Water Research: Innovations in Treatment, Sensing and Purification | Environmental Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Achieving Sustainable Development of Safe Drinking Water: Sources, Contamination, Mitigation and Management | Environmental Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Next-Generation Macromolecular Self-assembled Systems | Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering | August 17-21 |
Progress in Understanding and Tackling Multifactorial Alzheimer’s Disease | Medicinal Chemistry | August 17-21 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Flash presentations?
They are brief, impactful, and convey information about a novel protocol, perspective, technique, or research results. For instance, one Flash Talk may describe an innovative interdisciplinary research outcome. Another may describe results for a pilot/prototype study.
Can I submit an abstract if I'm not an early career researcher?
This symposium focuses on early career researchers, but all researchers are welcome to attend. However, the format of the presentation will be 8 minutes flash talk.
What is the submission deadline for abstracts?
The submission deadline for abstracts is March 31, 11:59 PM ET.
What is the required format for abstracts?
Abstracts should be 2500 characters or less and include the title, author(s), and a concise description of your research.
Can I include images or figures in my abstract?
Yes, limited use of images or figures is permitted to enhance your abstract's content.
When will I know if my abstract is accepted?
Presenters can expect to receive their acceptance notices approximately 3 months before the meeting. Scheduling notices are sent periodically starting approximately 2 months before the meeting.
What if I can't attend the symposium on the scheduled date?
The Global Virtual Symposia does not have provision for recorded talks. Presenters can only present in real-time. However, for any rescheduling requests, please reach out to our symposium chairs and organizers beforehand.
Do I need to register separately if my abstract is accepted?
Yes, accepted presenters will have to register for ACS Fall 2025. Symposium organizers will reach out to confirm their participation.