October 13–15, 2024
Call for Papers: Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM) 2024
Omaha, NE
Program Area— Title | Type | Invited | Organizers | Co-sponsored by |
Analytical Chemistry |
Type: Oral | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Analytical Chemistry |
Type: Poster | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Bioanalysis |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Biochemistry |
Type: Oral | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Biochemistry |
Type: Poster | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Biomaterials & Interfacial Processess |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Biomolecular Structure and Function |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Challenges in Chemical Measurements |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Chemical and Biosensors for Diagnostic and Environmental Applications |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Chemical Education |
Type: Oral | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Chemical Education |
Type: Poster | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Type: Oral | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Type: Poster | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Insights from Computation |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improve Therapeutic Outcomes |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improve Therapeutic Outcomes |
Type: Poster | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Organic Chemistry |
Type: Oral | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Organic Chemistry |
Type: Poster | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Organic Chemistry Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Physical Chemistry |
Type: Oral | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Physical Chemistry |
Type: Poster | Invited: N | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Soil, Water, Environment, and Chemistry |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Synthesis and Applications of Functional Polymeric Materials |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |
Undergraduate-Driven Colloid and Surface Chemistry Research |
Type: Oral | Invited: Y | Organizers: | Sponsor: |