What’s Your UN SDG Story?


“What’s Your UN SDG Story?”

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outline 17 interconnected grand challenges that represent areas where urgent action is required to safeguard the well-being of all people and the planet. Chemistry is at the heart of many of these goals—from helping to achieve zero hunger to ensuring our health and well-being to clean water and energy.

The American Chemical Society invites you to contribute to the conference theme, “Sustainability in a Changing World” through a community engagement initiative, “What’s Your UN SDG Story!” Through short Instagram videos and/or Twitter posts, chemists and chemical engineers will engage and inform ACS members and the public about the critical role chemistry plays in addressing sustainability challenges for people and the planet.

How to Participate

1. Consider one of the following prompts:

  • What challenges do you see in addressing the UN SDGs?
  • What one goal is close to your heart and how are you working towards it?
  • How are you inspired by the UN SDGs?
  • How has green and sustainable chemistry contributed to the UN SDGs?
  • Tell us your UN SDG success story in your (teaching, research, etc.)
  • How important do you think the UN SDGs are in chemistry education?   

2. Film a short (<1 min.) video. Consider starting with your name and where you’re from, then respond to your chosen prompt.

3. Post your video to your Instagram and/or Twitter account with the hashtag #ACSmySDG.

4. Tag @amerchemsociety to expand the reach of your video.



Do I need an Instagram account to participate?

Yes. Please sign up on Instagram or download the app for iOS or Android.

How do I post to Instagram?

How to create posts on Instagram

How will my post be used by ACS?

By posting your UN SDG video to Instagram and/or Twitter and using the hashtag #ACSmySDG, you are giving ACS permission to use your video for promotional purposes. At the ACS Chicago national meeting, select UN SDG videos will be spotlighted at the UN SDG resource booth in the Exibition Hall. Following the ACS meeting, select UN SDG videos will be used by ACS to inform the chemistry enterprise and general public about the critical roles that chemists and chemical engineers play in addressing sustainability challenges for people and the planet.

Learn More

Learn more about the UN SDGs

ACS GCI's Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference

The 2025 Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference will be held June 23-26 in Pittsburgh, PA, with the theme Good Health & Well-Being Through Sustainable Chemistry.