Terms & Conditions
SciMeetings is a virtual science-sharing platform developed by ACS Publications in collaboration with other ACS divisions that helps presenters increase the global visibility of the research they present at conferences.
Presenters who have prepared a presentation or poster for ACS Fall 2024 and are submitting their work for publication on SciMeetings enter into the below publishing agreement.
The presenters identified (the “Presenters”) have prepared a Presentation or Poster (“the Work”) that was to be presented at ACS Spring 2025 and are submitting the Work (as shown on the prior submission page) for online publication by the American Chemistry Society (the “Publisher”) on the SciMeetings platform. The parties are consequently entering into this publishing agreement (the “Agreement”).
1. License
The Presenters hereby grant a non-exclusive publishing and online distribution rights license in the Work to the Publisher, meaning the right to make available, create derivative works or use new distribution technologies, and the right to grant or sublicense other entities for some or all of these rights. The Presenters shall retain copyright and moral rights to the Work, and agree that the Creative Commons NC-ND public use license should be applied to the online version of the Work (see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode).
2. Presenter Responsibilities:
The Presenters have reviewed this Agreement, agreed with the terms, and accept all of the responsibilities as outlined below.
- The Work is the original work of the Presenters with respect to the preparation of the conference materials, and all contributors who have been involved in such research or preparation have been appropriately identified and alerted. The Presenter warrants the submitted material is for an approved poster or presentation, and the Presenter has the right to publish and post the Work.
- Presenters should submit only scientific information as contained in conference abstracts, Posters, Presentations, video, audio, or raw data associated with their Works. Previously published journal articles should not be included with submissions.
- Any third party quotations or illustrations (including charts) have been appropriately noted in the Work and fully identified in the references, and in the case of illustrations in particular the Presenters have obtained full permission (distribution rights in all media and in all territories) from the illustrator or their agent for re-publication in the Work. The same permissions process would be required for any re-use of any substantial third party text elements (beyond 40 words).
- All institutional approvals and protocols have been obtained and followed in conjunction with the research and the preparation of the Work and submission to the ACS. Similarly, any related requirements of relevant research funding agencies have been followed. Any funding agencies providing support for the underlying research have been identified.
- Any unusual hazards inherent in the chemicals, equipment, or procedures used in the underlying research as described in the Work are clearly identified therein as hazardous.
- The Presenters have reviewed and agree to abide by the publishing ethics code outlined and approved by ACS (see ethical guidelines), including the disclosure of potential competing interests to the Publisher.
- The Presenters hereby warrant that nothing in the Work is defamatory, libelous, or otherwise unlawful, violates any right of privacy, or infringes any duty of confidentiality which the Presenter(s) may owe to another party or violates any contract, express or implied, that the Presenter(s) may have entered into.
- Presenters agree that by submitting their Work to SciMeetings, they consent to the sharing of their personal information, including name, title, affiliation, research activities, professional memberships, expertise, and prior research outputs.
- For Presenters from the US Government, Presenters agree to be solely responsible for their Work. Please note that any requirements on Presenters for indemnification and/or jurisdictional waivers do not apply to US Government Presenters.
3. Publisher Responsibilities:
The Publisher has selected the organizers of the National Meeting for their subject matter expertise and professional editorial standards, and expects the organizers will consider fairly and objectively submissions made for the Meeting, including the Presenters’ Work. Once made publicly available, conference materials published on SciMeetings are considered part of the official scientific record and will not be removed from the site unless the organizers and the Publisher agree that removal is consistent with obligations noted for the publishing of journal articles under the Publisher’s ethical guidelines.
4. Prior Publication Policy:
The Editors-in-Chief of ACS journals have agreed that inclusion of Presentations and Posters in SciMeetings is comparable with posting on a preprint server, and as such does not constitute prior publication. As with preprints, we recommend that you inform Editors about conference materials posted on SciMeetings and their relationship to your submitted manuscript in the cover letter. If you plan to submit your work to a non-ACS journal at a later time, you should verify with the Publisher and/or Editor that inclusion of your conference material in SciMeetings is acceptable.
5. Personal Information
The Presenters understand and agree that certain personal information including metadata, contact information, and other identifiers may be shared between the Conference Organizer and Publisher in order to collect submissions, display conference materials, and facilitate communications between Presenters and SciMeetings end-users. In addition, in order to both credit the Presenters’ Work and encourage dialogue between Presenters and SciMeetings end-users that normally occurs at an in-person scientific meeting, the Presenter’s name, institution or affiliation, ORCID ID, and email address may be made visible.
6. Governing Law
The parties agree that the laws of the District of Columbia will govern the interpretation of this Agreement and that, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws thereof, they consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of the District of Columbia in any action arising under this Agreement. This Agreement, together with any referenced policy documents, constitutes the entire understanding of the parties concerning the publication of the Work, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements or proposals concerning the Work.
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