FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | January 25, 2017

American Chemical Society responds to reports of changes in agency scientific policies

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2017 —The American Chemical Society (ACS) is monitoring, with concern, reports stating the Trump administration is changing scientific communication policy and grant procedures. During this transition, ACS urges the administration to clarify, as soon as possible, its positions on these policies.

The American Chemical Society has established public policies underscoring the importance of unfettered scientific discourse and exchange to ensure the integrity, credibility and reliability of the scientific enterprise.

The ACS Freedom of International Scientific Exchange statement notes:

Science and scholarship flourish when scientists collaboratively pursue and publish research and communicate without externally imposed impediment, limitation, or restriction. It is important for organizations that represent scientists and educators to advocate the most open and fair exchange among scientists without limitations imposed by national and global political concerns.

In addition, the Society’s Scientific Integrity in Public Policy  statement underlies ACS’ detailed perspective on science policy, and states in part:

Scientists and engineers have an obligation to provide comprehensive, transparent, unbiased, and understandable technical analyses. Policymakers have the responsibility to consider these analyses and any other relevant technical input in a comprehensive, transparent, and unbiased manner.

Related policy materials are available at

The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With nearly 157,000 members, ACS is the world’s largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. ACS does not conduct research, but publishes and publicizes peer-reviewed scientific studies. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

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