ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: November 09, 2011
Jobs, jobs, jobs on the cover of weekly newsmagazine of world's largest scientific society
“It’s Still a Struggle: Jobs for chemists might be slightly easier to find in 2012; recruiters and entrepreneurs can help”
Cover 1 – It’s Still A Struggle (Main story intro)
Cover 2 – Anemic Recovery Restrains Hiring
Cover 3 – Recruiter Rapport
Cover 4 – Jump-Starting Job Growth
Chemical & Engineering News
With concerns about jobs in the headlines around the world, this week’s edition of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) presents a 3-part cover story on the jobs situation for chemists — whose work directly touches more than 96% of all manufactured goods, with the chemical industry in the United States alone a $674 billion enterprise. C&EN is the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society.
C&EN Assistant Managing Editor Sophie L. Rovner explores the impact of weakness in the economy on chemical industry hiring plans in the first article in C&EN’s Employment Outlook feature package. Next, Senior Editor Susan J. Ainsworth describes how current and future job seekers can fully benefit from recruiters’ services.
Finally, News Editor William G. Schulz examines an action-oriented report produced by a blue-ribbon ACS panel <> that is meant to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship—and boost employment—in the chemical enterprise. The cover package includes sidebars on online resources to help job seekers find recruiters and tips for new graduates in meeting the challenges of searching for a job.
Science Inquiries: Michael Woods, Editor, 202-872-6293
General Inquiries: Michael Bernstein, 202-872-6042