ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: September 03, 2014

ACS Ebola resources available to journalists

Have questions about the science underlying the ongoing Ebola crisis? The virus has so far infected more than 2,600 people and killed more than half of them, making it the largest outbreak of the virus in history. Despite the incredible efforts of local and global public health teams, Tom Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, called the situation “unprecedented” while on a visit to the affected region. He also predicted that it would only get worse before officials could get a handle on the crisis.

In addition to governments and businesses, scientists play a major part in stemming any infectious disease outbreak, including the current one.

The American Chemical Society has set up a resource page containing a list of scientific papers*, as well as Chemical & Engineering News articles, on Ebola that journalists can access for free. It also includes a list of experts who can speak about this topic to the press. Visit our resource page at

For more on Ebola, keep an eye out for our new journal ACS Infectious Diseases, which will publish its first issue January 2015. “Our journal will play a role in this devastating disease by publishing basic research on new antivirals for Ebola,” says Courtney Aldrich, editor-in-chief.

(*The research papers were compiled using a search strategy created and conducted by Science IP®, the CAS Search Service.)

ACS announces a new Ebola resources page for journalists.