In 1998, a pharmaceutical company suddenly lost the ability to make their lifesaving HIV drug at one of its production facilities. Then that failure spread to the company’s analysis labs. Then it spread to the other production facility, and within months the lifesaving drug had effectively vanished from the entire planet. And this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. How does a chemical just… disappear?
- Ritonavir | Podcast | Chemistry World
- Ritonavir: An Extraordinary Example of Conformational Polymorphism | Pharmaceutical Research
- Dealing with the Impact of Ritonavir Polymorphs on the Late Stages of Bulk Drug Process Development | Organic Process Research & Development
- Molecular, Solid-State and Surface Structures of the Conformational Polymorphic Forms of Ritonavir in Relation to their Physicochemical Properties | Pharmaceutical Research
- Ritonavir Form III: A New Polymorph After 24 Years - Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Supersaturation Tower
- (IUCr) Why don't we find more polymorphs?
- Facts and fictions about polymorphism - Chemical Society Reviews (RSC Publishing)
- Disappearing Polymorphs Revisited - Bučar - 2015 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library
- NORVIR Update
- Polymorphism & Seeding: II. Case Studies
- Ritonavir: The Polymorph That Revolutionized Drug
- Disappearing Polymorphs | Accounts of Chemical Research
- The Predictably Elusive Form II of Aspirin | Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Crystal Polymorphism in Chemical Process Development | Annual Reviews
- Open questions in organic crystal polymorphism | Communications Chemistry
- Microgravity pdf
- Tips for Taking RTV
- The Best Way to Temper Chocolate | The Food Lab
- Compound Interest: The Polymorphs of Chocolate
- How many more polymorphs of ROY remain undiscovered - Chemical Science (RSC Publishing)
- Ostwald Rule of Stages─Myth or Reality? | Crystal Growth & Design
- How to Grow Sodium Acetate Crystals - YouTube
- Supersaturated Sodium Acetate Crystallization - YouTube
- Crystallization.ram - YouTube
- Crystallization by Antisolvent Addition and Cooling | IntechOpen
- Effect of ultrasound on the kinetics of anti-solvent crystallization of sucrose - ScienceDirect
- Ritonavir Form III: A Coincidental Concurrent Discovery | Crystal Growth & Design
- The History of HIV Treatment: Antiretroviral Therapy and More
- Recrystallization and Melting Point Analysis - YouTube
- Crystallization of Sodium Acetate from a Supersaturated Solution (Demo) - Chemistry LibreTexts
- The History of HIV Treatment: Antiretroviral Therapy and More
- Ritonavir: The Polymorph That Revolutionized Drug
- Combined crystal structure prediction and high-pressure crystallization in rational pharmaceutical polymorph screening | Nature Communications
- Inconvenient Truths about Solid Form Landscapes Revealed in the Polymorphs and Hydrates of Gandotinib | Crystal Growth & Design