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Rosters are available for download by officers via eRosters. The roster files can easily be converted to Word, Excel, or other electronic formats to create mailing labels, generate email distribution lists, or target a specific population of your local section, division, or international chapter membership.

The rosters files are updated monthly and are available for download by section officers. Information on the rosters includes:

  • Name, Home Address, Work Address, Home Phone, Email
  • Bad Address Indicator, Preferred Address Indicator
  • Chemistry Degree, Field of Study, Non-chemistry Degree
  • Years of Service, Division Membership Information
  • Year of Birth, Gender
  • Activity Reports, which indicate new members, transfers in and out, and resigned members

To access those reports, enter your login and password for your ACS My Account on On the My Account page, select My Applications (in the left navigation area). The eRosters application will appear in this list; click on the eRosters Visit button and this link will open the eRosters application. On the Terms and Conditions for Listing Electronic Rosters page, click the Accept button. The Downloadable eRosters files links will be presented.

Access to eRosters is limited to current officers and requires approval from the local section, division, or international chapter Chair. Contact for more information or to request access to your roster.