Chapter 1

Matter—Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Students are introduced to the idea that matter is composed of atoms and molecules that are attracted to each other and in constant motion. Students explore the attractions and motion of atoms and molecules as they experiment with and observe the heating and cooling of a solid, liquid, and gas.



    Chapter 1
    Student Reading

    A summary of the investigations and science content from all lessons in the chapter

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    Chapter 1
    Test Bank

    Evaluate students’ progress

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    Teacher Background

    At any point while using a lesson, you could familiarize yourself with the following content background.

    Reading Materials

    Media Materials

    Heating and Cooling Solids, Liquids, and Gases

    Youtube ID: TmdWOqFg6IQ

    Solids, Liquids, and Gases

    Youtube ID: 6PqPoh-9ydE