Office of the Secretary & General Counsel
The Society is composed of individual chemists and chemical engineers and professionals in related disciplines, who govern themselves through two representative bodies: The Council, elected by the membership to represent Local Sections and Divisions, and the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, also elected by the membership or their representatives, is the legal representative of the Society. The Office of the Secretary and General Counsel (OSGC) is responsible for (1) supporting these governance units and their activities, (2) working with them and senior management to develop and implement a comprehensive and coherent strategy for the Society, as well as developing supporting strategies and implementation and evaluative plans, and (3) communicating a clear, consistent message about the Society—and about chemistry—to the public, news media, public and elected officials, the chemical enterprise, and ACS members.
The Office of the Secretary and General Counsel is dedicated to providing exceptional service and we thank you for stopping by our site!
Our Mission Statement is as follows:
The Office of the Secretary and General Counsel will support ACS leadership in developing, facilitating and communicating plans, programs, policies, and legal opinions which advance the vision of the Society while communicating chemistry related information and the importance of chemistry to our members, policymakers and the public.