ACS President: Frank W. Clarke (1847-1931)
Served as President: 1901
Many of his concepts concerning the chemical evolution of geological systems are still valid
With Harvey W. Wiley, he sent out notices suggesting the formation of a rival National Chemical Society which resulted in the organization of local sections within the American Chemical Society
- B.S., 1867, Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard Colleges, Chemistry
Career Highlights:
Notable Accomplishments:
Presented his first evaluation of atomic weights at the AAAS meeting in August 1879 and in 1882 published his recalculation of the atomic weights.
Major Awards and Honors:
Service to Science:
- Chairman, chemistry section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
Did You Know
. . . that in the early days of his career he wrote newspaper and magazine articles to supplement his salary?
. . . that he believed “The rarest substances, however, whether elementary or compound, [can] supply data for the solution of chemical problems”?
. . . that his middle name is Wigglesworth?