ACS President: George F. Barker (1835-1910)

Served as President: 1891

First corresponding secretary of ACS

In 1864 he undertook experiments to produce electric light by passing the current through a resisting filament which he claims “was the first steady electric light generated in Pittsburg, if not in the country”


  • B. Ph., Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, 1858
  • M. D., Albany Medical College, 1863

Career Highlights:

Notable Accomplishments:

Major Awards and Honors:

Service to Science:

Did You Know

. . . that he had his first laboratory in his bedroom while a young boy at the academy in South Berwick?

. . . that while serving as a expert witness in a criminal trial, the Sherman Case, he proved that Lydia Sherman poisoned three husbands and four children?

Former ACS President George F. Barker