Creating a Lab Safety Culture for Industrial Chemists, Educators, and Grad Students

ACS Webinars

How can you develop your safety skills and support a safe lab to work in everyday whether you are in industry or academia? In 2018, the American Chemical Society recognized that chemical safety as an integral part of its strategic mission. During this free interactive broadcast, join ACS President Dr. Peter Dorhout as well as three experts in a lively discussion of how this initiative influences their roles as educators, industry and graduate students as well as the valuable new ACS lab safety resources for both the teaching and research chemistry laboratory.

What You Will Learn

  • What safety knowledge, skills, and attitude does industry expect of the chemists it hires
  • How graduate students can impact the safety conditions and programs in their research labs
  • What faculty members can do to model safe practices in the teaching and research labs

The Fine Print

ACS Webinars® does not endorse any products or services. The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the American Chemical Society.


Peter K. Dorhout
American Chemical Society 

Dawn Mason
Eastman Chemical Company

Dominick Casadonte
Texas Tech University

Kali Miller
University of Illinois

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