
Becoming An Effective Contributor



Workshop Description

A self-governed, membership-driven, professional organization, ACS gains its strength and value from the volunteers that help run and lead it. However, often the questions asked by new members and members new to volunteering are:

  • Where do I start?
  • How do I become an effective volunteer?
  • How do I find a volunteer project that I would enjoy?
  • How do I match my skills to the right volunteer project?

While volunteering is a great opportunity to get involved, network with others, and contribute to the Society, you may not understand what it entails and what is expected. Becoming an Effective Contributor is designed to help you become an effective volunteer.

In this self-paced, online course, you will learn how to assess your own interest and abilities, so you can determine what projects are right for you. You will also learn how to gain information about projects and volunteer assignments so that you can clearly understand the scope of the project, resources, timelines, and expectations to make the best decision about volunteering opportunities.

Without these skills you may find yourself in a volunteer assignment that isn’t fulfilling and doesn’t utilize your unique skills and talents – a no-win situation for you and the Society. Becoming an Effective Contributor helps you take control of your volunteer activities.

What You Will Learn

From the convenience of your home or office, you can learn:

  • How to assess what you can bring to a volunteer assignment and what will be most fulfilling.
  • How to identify the volunteer tasks that are most appropriate for your skills and interests you identified, so you can enjoy your volunteer assignment and gain valuable experience.
  • How to examine tasks with keen questioning techniques to clarify expectations, scope, resources, and timelines of volunteer assignments.
  • 3 key reporting approaches to use to ensure your volunteering efforts on are the right track.

ACS’ tradition of excellence in meeting member needs is a product of the excellent volunteer members and leaders. Take this step to build the skills necessary for becoming an effective volunteer.

Who Should Attend This Course?

This course is designed for emerging volunteers in the Society. Becoming an Effective Contributor online interactive course can be taken at your convenience, when and where you like to learn. It is specifically valuable to those members who are new to ACS and those new to a volunteering within the Society. A prerequisite of the course is Matching Interests with Goals.