4-hour Facilitated Course
Collaborating Across Boundaries
January 21, 2023
Atlanta, GA
ACS Members Free
(Premium Package)
All Others $300
Registration Opens November 2022
Workshop Description
Some of the greatest achievements in science, medicine, the arts, and business have been the result of collaboration among groups of people who shared their resources, their visions, and their expertise to produce unique, innovative products and solutions to problems. Without collaboration, the potential power of sharing ideas and information is lost. Now more than ever, collaboration is the way we need to work – in teams and in larger organizations as well.
To be a highly effective partner or team member, you need to learn the core strategies and tools to make collaboration more productive. In this 4-hour hands-on facilitated course you will learn how to make collaborative decisions, develop common goals, ensure equity between what people bring and what they gain from the effort, and gain commitment, establish trust and resolve conflicts.
Collaborating Across Boundaries provides the strategies and tools to make collaboration more productive including:
- Developing common goals
- Ensuring equity between what individuals and groups bring and what they gain from the effort
- Gaining commitment from individuals and groups
- Establishing trust and resolving conflict
This workshop will provide leaders and professionals with strategies and tools they need to make collaboration across organizational boundaries both more productive and more rewarding. Leaders and individuals in professional environments, research and education, and within the Society need to be able to collaborate effectively with scientists, teams, and leaders to accomplish their objectives.
What You Will Learn
- The core components required to achieve successful collaboration across organizational boarders.
- How to develop common goals that ensure collaborative efforts.
- How to perform a “value analysis” of resource contribution, and ensure equity between what parties bring and what they gain from the collaborative effort.
- How to identify the right people – core and adjunct team members.
- Strategies for how to engage people, gain their commitment, and connect with their business and personal interests.
- How to help champions emerge and develop their skills to drive the project.
- Strategies for establishing trust and resolving conflict.
Who Should Attend This Course?
This workshop is designed for leaders and professionals in industry, universities and colleges, research facilities, government as well as the Society. We encourage those who are currently leading or who are planning to lead a project or initiative that will require collaboration across an organizational boundary.