4-hour Facilitated Course
Developing Communication Strategies
January 21, 2023
Atlanta, GA
ACS Members Free
(Premium Package)
All Others $300
Workshop Description
This half-day workshop focuses on how to be more successful in communicating with others about issues of importance to you---especially in cases where you want them to take action in response to your communication. Examples of actions you might want as outcomes of your communications:
- Provide more funding for science education
- Attend a National Chemistry Week event
- Attend your local section meetings
- Volunteer in your local section
- Provide funding (sponsorship) for a local section activity
- Hire or promote you
How to develop and execute effective communications strategies is not a mystery, and it is not “fuzzy”. This workshop is highly interactive. You will receive helpful tools and work in small groups to practice while you learn.
What You Will Learn
With the skills that you’ll gain from this half-day workshop, you’ll be a better communicator in your role as an ACS leader and as a leader in your workplace and in your community. Working in small interactive groups, you’ll have the chance to develop and practice your own effective communication strategy. Specifically, you’ll learn:
- The four elements of an effective communication strategy
- A simple process for developing an effective communication strategy
- The key questions to ask (and answer!) in developing effective communications strategies
- A checklist for developing an effective communication strategy
- A proven communication strategy that you can apply in your ACS local section, community, workplace, and daily activities
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to apply your new communication skills to the many instances in which you have a stake in the outcome, including:
- Securing funding for an ACS research or education project
- Landing a new job or a promotion
- Soliciting new volunteers to support your local ACS Section
- Attracting attendees to a meeting, seminar, or workshop
- Gaining sponsorship for a local ACS activity
Knowing how to more effectively present your ideas, support your assertions, and persuade people to take action is essential in almost everything we do. Plan to attend this workshop and discover how a comprehensive communication strategy can make both your goals and the goals of the ACS possible.
Who Should Attend This Course?
Developing Communication Strategies is for ACS members who have leadership roles within the Society. We encourage those who are currently leading or who are planning to lead a new committee or project to attend this course. The skills you learn will prove invaluable to you and to the ACS.