4-hour Facilitated Course

Strategic Planning

January 21, 2023

Atlanta, GA                                                            


  ACS Members           Free         
 (Premium Package)      

   All Others                    $300     

Workshop Description

Best in class and high performing organizations often have one thing in common: they have a strategic plan in place and use it to provide direction and focus for all employees. Without a strategic plan, organizations from smaller teams to large corporations drift and end up reactive to external pressures instead of keeping focused on their goals.  Yet despite the importance of good planning, leaders often lack understanding and experience in creating strategic plans with clear goals.

Strategic Planning is a 4-hour hands-on course that will help you improve your knowledge of the planning process. You will gain understanding of the structure and contents of the strategic plan as well as the impact that strategy has on your work and the organization’s success. You will learn how to become a “partner in planning” with other leaders as you develop a plan for your unit that aligns with the executive level strategic goals.

What You Will Learn

Gain a valuable skill that is critical to the success of teams, work units, or committees that you lead. Specifically, learn:

  • A practical strategic management process and how to use the framework for planning and developing a unit’s strategic plan.
  • How to translate high-level goals into actionable plans and initiatives
  • To recognize and deal with the differences between organizational units as each develop its own strategic plan.
  • The importance of communicating strategic plans with executives and those involved in implementing the goals.

As part of the course, you will work in pairs or small groups to begin applying the principles of strategic planning and a Board-level framework to the development of a strategic plan for an organizational unit. You will see how this process of moving ownership of the strategic plan from the Board to unit leaders ensures better decisions, increased focus and renewed engagement.