LDS Strategic Planning Retreats FAQ's

  • Why should our governance unit consider strategic planning?

    Strategic planning will ensure that you pursue successful activities that are the ‘right’ ones for the future.

  • Why choose an ACS SPR?

    This will ensure you have a harmonized vision and mission with ACS, because you will use the same strategic planning process used by the Society.

  • What are the specifics and cost to have a Strategic Planning Retreat?

    See program details or download a copy of Strategic Planning Retreat 1-pager to share at your next Executive Committee meeting.

  • Who are the Strategic Planning Retreat facilitators?

    The Strategic Planning Retreat facilitators are trained ACS member volunteers with lots of ACS experience and connections.

  • What steps do we need to do to get ready for an SPR?

    Contact to schedule a 1-hr scoping conference call with your planning team and one of our facilitators.  During that call, the facilitator will outline the process/timeline, review your goals and work with you to determine next steps.

  • What is the timeline for us to prepare for a Strategic Planning Retreat?

    Ideally from the time of the scoping call to the actual retreat should be a minimum of 14 weeks.

  • Who/how many should constitute our Strategic Planning team?

    The Strategic Planning team should be between 10 and 12 people who you identify as your leadership group.

  • What are the expectations of the Strategic Planning team?

    The team is expected to actively participate in the pre-work and during the1-1/2 day Retreat. Each team member must also serve as an implementation champion.

  • How do we measure the pulse of our constituency’s strategic needs and potential?

    ACS can help you develop and administer a survey or other instrument to collect the needs and perspectives of your stakeholders.

  • How will we get our stakeholders to buy-in to strategic planning?

    The last phase of the Retreat will focus on the steps to take to gain buy-in for the strategic planning your team develops.

  • How will we incorporate strategic initiatives into our annual planning activities?

    The facilitators will work with your team to develop an implementation schedule and identify champions for each targeted strategic initiative your team adopts.

  • Who are some other ACS groups who have held your Strategic Planning Retreats?

    We have held Retreats for Divisions (ENFL, INOR, POLY, RUBB), Local Sections (Greater Houston, Indianapolis, Lehigh Valley, North Jersey, Savannah River), and ACS Committees (CCA, CCPA, CEPA, CMA, CPRC, CTA, D&IAB, ETH,YCC, WCC).