Lucinda Jackson

Lucinda Jackson
LJ Ventures
BS, Biology, Reed College
BS, Botany/Plant Biology, Universiy of California, Davis
MS, Plant Physiology/Environmental Biology, Universiy of California, Davis
Ph.D., Plant Physiology/Environmental Biology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Lucinda Jackson, scientist and corporate executive, spent almost fifty years in academia and Fortune 500 energy and chemical companies. After growing up on America’s west coast, she received her PhD and continued serving on boards of academic, nonprofit, and industry organizations and speaking worldwide. She has published peer-reviewed articles, patents, magazine columns, book chapters and two books, Just a Girl: Growing Up Female and Ambitious about career success, and Project Escape: Lessons for an Unscripted Life that covers career/life transitions. Jackson presents on podcasts, radio, and at public events. Jackson is the founder of LJ Ventures, where she speaks and consults on energy and the environment and empowering people in the workplace and in our Next Act. After recent Peace Corps volunteerism in Palau and teaching science in Mexico, Jackson and her husband returned to their home near San Francisco.