Norton Peet

Norton Peet
Chicago BioSolutions
Dr. Norton Peet is an International R&D Consultant, in which capacity he provides guidance and direction to industrial and academic organizations on drug discovery and development strategies, based on his extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Peet currently serves as the Chief Scientific Officer for Chicago BioSolutions, a newly formed drug discovery company. In prior positions, Dr. Peet was Head of Medicinal Chemistry at Microbiotix, where he designed the chemistry for all internal and external research proposals. Dr. Peet is an organic chemist by training (UNL, MIT) and has spent much of his career in big pharma, with the string of companies that led to Aventis (now Sanofi). When he left Aventis in 2000 he was Head of Medicinal Chemistry and Distinguished Scientist. He joined the executive team at ArQule as Vice President of Discovery Alliances, where he managed alliances with several companies and also built a multidisciplinary Drug Discovery Group. In 2002, he became the CEO of Aurigene Discovery Technologies, a drug discovery company, and built laboratories in Boston (Lexington) and Bangalore (India). Dr. Peet has authored 175 journal articles and 70 US patents, and has contributed to 25 awarded grant applications. He has been active in the American Chemical Society (ACS), particularly in NESACS, and has organized numerous international symposia for National ACS Meeting venues. Dr. Peet serves on several editorial and scientific advisory boards and also serves as an Expert Pharmaceutical Consultant (EPC) for the DoD.