Scholar Profile

Art Sutton, Jr.

Voted Most Likely To:
Burn down the lab

University of Cincinnati, Class of 2005
Johns Hopkins University, Chemistry, M.S.
Johns Hopkins University, Chemistry, Ph.D.

Currently Working As:
Manager, BASF

What do you love about your job?
I value continued learning and growth; being able to develop skills additive to my formal chemical education. Working in industry has also allowed me to see the connection from the lab to store shelves to consumers' hands.

What has been the most exciting part of your career so far?
It is exciting to continue to be curious, creative, and on the forefront of new chemistry or technology.

What would you tell yourself at age 18?
(Me talking to myself) Do not be one dimensional. Have breadth of experience(s) and know how in addition to the depth (focus) you are majoring/training for. Also, when possible get real world work experience and networking via internships/co-ops, etc

How has ACS Scholars impacted your life and career?
In addition to financial support for my undergrad degree, matching a mentor, as well as encouragement for internships/co-ops had major influence. My ACS mentor was key to me going beyond B.S. in chemistry to a Ph.D. My mentor introduced me to his network and showed me examples of career chemists. I saw live examples of the possibilities. My internships with a major global company (4 years total) were set up through my ACS mentor. These internships also solidified my desire to go further.