Graduate Chemistry Education Resources for Faculty

Reports on Graduate Education

Learn what others are doing and considering in graduate programs across the United States.

ACS Graduate Student Survey (2019)
See the results of a survey of graduate students in the chemical sciences. Questions focused on career interests and plans, graduate education competencies, and contextual factors such as advisors and mentors, resources, support, and satisfaction with graduate school. 

ACS Graduate Student Survey (2013)
This report presents students’ perspectives on career plans and preparation, student-advisor relationships, and support mechanisms.

Advancing Graduate Education in the Chemical Sciences (2012)
This report from an ACS presidential commission shares the purposes of graduate education and recommendations for fulfilling them.

Challenges in Chemistry Graduate Education (2012)
This workshop report reflects on the challenges, goals, and structure of graduate education, suggesting changes for students, faculty, and administrators.

Master’s Degree in Chemistry Survey Report (2009)  
This report presents information on the types, goals, students, activities, and budgets of master’s- granting but non-PhD granting programs.

Ph.D. Programs in Chemistry Survey Report (2008)
This report shares data regarding the size, organization, faculty, students, and activities of PhD-granting programs.

Managing Your Lab

 Lab Management Resources
Increase your research productivity with these resources on staffing, managing, mentoring, and leading a research group (Cottrell Scholars Collaborative).

Fostering Ethical Conduct

ACS Ethical and Professional Guidelines
Use these guidelines to raise awareness of ethical issues and promote high standards of integrity.

Developing a Safety Culture

ACS Safety Recommendations and Resources
Improve safety by responding to recommendations, referring to references, using materials, and adopting safe practices.

Teaching Effectively

Teaching Resources
Leverage the research on student learning by using these strategies, materials, and assessments (Cottrell Scholars Collaborative).

Journal of Chemical Education
Refer to peer-reviewed articles and related information on chemical content, activities, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies.

Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities
Promote full participation of students with disabilities in the classroom and laboratory by using this practical information.

Mentoring Students

Mentoring Resources
Guide research students and postdoctoral scholars more effectively using these orientation documents, case studies, lists of competencies, evaluations and assessments, and mentoring guides (Cottrell Scholars Collaborative). 

Providing Career Guidance

Help your students and postdoctoral scholars explore their career options and pursue their goals.

Career guidance
Tap into career information, advice, tools, and events. 

Understanding Career Pathways
Learn about solutions and challenges in tracking career pathways of PhDs.

Pathway Through Graduate School and into Careers
Respond to recommendations to prepare more graduate students for the full spectrum of careers inside and outside the academy across all occupational sectors.

Writing Competitive Grants

Grant Writing Resources
Strengthen your proposals using by learning more about specific grant programs, along with guidelines and grant writing strategies (Cottrell Scholars Collaborative).