ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry
Award at a Glance
The ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry recognizes outstanding contributions to experimental research that have increased our understanding of chemical pedagogy and led to the improved teaching and learning of chemistry.
The award consists of $5,000 and a certificate. Up to $2,500 for travel expenses to the meeting at which the award will be presented will be reimbursed.
This award recognizes contributions to experimental research that have increased our understanding of chemical pedagogy and led to the improved teaching and learning of chemistry. The award will recognize research contributions involving a significant body of work rather than a single project or contribution. This is an international award.
The award honors qualitative, quantitative, experimental, or case study research that investigates some aspect of the teaching and learning of chemistry. The research contributions may include the testing of research hypotheses, basing experiments on existing theories, incorporating what is known in the literature into the research, using an experimental design or recognized data-collection procedure, analyzing quantitative or qualitative data, and drawing valid conclusions from the observations and data. Experimental research should include one or more recognized techniques and be designed as control-group designs with random assignments of subjects or the use of in-tact class sections, factorial designs, bi-variate or multivariate correlation studies, etc. The research must show independence of thought and originality.
Evidence of outstanding research may include, but is not limited to, dissemination of the results of the research via appropriate peer-reviewed science education, chemical education, or science journals; chapters in science education, chemical education, or science books; invited talks at academic institutions; and/or invited talks, posters, workshops, and participation in panel discussions at professional meetings. Support of the research through local, regional or national grants, and/or the adoption, adaptation, or citation of aspects of the work by other researchers, scholars, and/or practitioners serves as evidence of the validity, applicability, and acceptability of the research.
The award will be administered in accordance with the governing documents of the ACS National Awards. The award will be granted regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, presence of disabilities, and educational background.
November 1 (Annual Review)
How to Apply
The nomination period for the ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry is open from July 1 to November 1 annually. Learn more about submitting a nomination for the ACS National Awards.
Selection Committee Rubric for the ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry (XLSX, 14 KB)
Supported by an Endowed Fund Established by the ACS Exams Institute
Pearson Education established the award in 2007 and ended sponsorship in 2016. In 2017, the ACS Exams Institute, through its Board of Trustees, established the Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry Award Endowment to support the award.

Contact Us
ACS National Awards Program
American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street NW | Washington, DC 20036