ChemLuminary Award Descriptions

All ChemLuminary Awards nominations should be submitted by Local Section, Division and International Science Chapter officers via the Annual Report. Please contact the officers of your group to inquire about submitting a nomination. Nomination period is November 1 to February 15.

Featured Awards

  • Best Activity or Program Highlighting ACS Change Driver(s) or Strategic Planning
    The ACS Board Committee on Strategic Planning is sponsoring a ChemLuminary Award to support high-impact activities that highlight the 2020 ACS Change Drivers and/or encourage strategic planning. The nominated activity must be directly related to one of the ACS Change Drivers and/or be a strategic planning-related effort that resulted in concrete actions (e.g., new or modified programming or events). The activity’s outcomes and impact must be demonstrated, including but not necessarily limited to the impact on the respective volunteer unit. A formal ACS Strategic Planning Retreat (SPR) is not a requirement, nor is it sufficient in and of itself, for this Award. This Award is open to all Local Sections, Divisions, and International Chemical Sciences Chapters.
    ACS Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)
  • Helen M. Free Award for Public Outreach
    This award recognizes outstanding volunteer achievements in the field of public outreach by a member of the ACS who improves public recognition and appreciation for the contributions of chemistry. Nominations must be submitted by email by February 15, 2025. Details can be found on the Helen M. Free Award page.
    Committee on Public Relations and Communications (CPRC)
  • MAC Industry Engagement & Outreach
    The award recognizes the efforts of the chemical industry for engagement and outreach to the chemistry community about working in industry.
    Sponsor: Membership Affairs Committee (MAC)
  • Joint SOCED & AACT Governing Board
    Outstanding American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) Support Award
    This award honors ACS Local Sections for outstanding support of the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT).
  • Joint CCPA & CEI Award
    CCPA-CEI ChemLuminary Award for Outstanding Promotion of the Society’s Sustainability Position Statements
    To encourage ACS members to get involved in sustainability policy issues, the ACS Committees on Environmental Improvement (CEI) and Chemistry & Public Affairs (CCPA) are creating a jointly-administered ACS ChemLuminary Award to encourage local sections and divisions to engage in projects that leverage ACS policy statements connected to sustainability.

ACS Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)

Best Activity or Program Highlighting ACS Change Driver(s) or Strategic Planning 
This award recognizes activities which highlight the 2020 ACS Change Drivers and/or encourage strategic planning. These activities or programs should result in concrete actions and have significant impact, not necessarily limited to the volunteer unit.

Committee on Chemistry & Public Affairs (CCPA)

CCPA-CEI ChemLuminary Award for Outstanding Promotion of the Society’s Sustainability Position Statements
To encourage ACS members to get involved in sustainability policy issues, the ACS Committees on Environmental Improvement (CEI) and Chemistry & Public Affairs (CCPA) are creating a jointly-administered ACS ChemLuminary Award to encourage local sections and divisions to engage in projects that leverage ACS policy statements connected to sustainability.

Committee on Chemists with Disabilities (CWD)

Chemists with Disabilities Inclusion Award
This award recognizes the outstanding effort(s) of a local section or division that supports the mission of the ACS Chemists with Disabilities Committee: to promote educational and professional opportunities in the chemical sciences.

Committee on Community Activities (CCA)

Most Creative NCW Celebration Using the Yearly Theme
Recognizes a Local Section for an innovative event, hands-on activity or demonstration using the CURRENT yearly theme.

Outstanding Community Involvement in NCW
Recognizes a local section that generates the greatest amount of community participation in NCW.

Outstanding NCW Event for a Specific Audience
Recognizes a local section for an event that targets a specific group (i.e. underrepresented minorities, Scout Troops, government officials, seniors, individuals with disabilities, teachers).

Outstanding Ongoing NCW Event
Recognizes a local section for an outstanding event that has been conducted for at least three years (not awarded to the same section more than once in a 5 year period).

Outstanding Virtual Event (NCW or CCEW)
Recognizes a local section that coordinates and conducts a unique virtual event for CCEW or NCW. Special focus on using technology and social media platforms to increase participant engagement and learning.

Outstanding Ongoing CCEW Event
Recognizes a local section for an outstanding event that has been conducted for at least three years (not awarded to the same section more than once in a 5 year period).

Most Creative & Innovative Use of the CCEW Theme
Recognizes a local section for overall outstanding, innovative and safe public event using the CCEW theme.

Outstanding Community Involvement in CCEW
Recognizes a local section that generates the greatest amount of community involvement in Chemists Celebrate Earth Week.

Outstanding Public Outreach Event Organized by a Student Group
Recognizes a local section that conducts a public outreach event not associated with NCW or CCEW in which students from a High School, Community College, College and/or University played a major role. Collaboration between student groups encouraged.

Committee on Corporation Associates (CA)

Outstanding Local Section Industry Event
This award recognizes a local section for outstanding efforts in producing an event that benefits industry members or students seeking a career in industry.

Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs (CEPA)

Outstanding Divisional Career Program Award
This award recognizes Divisional Career programs that have contributed significantly to ACS Members' career management and development.

Outstanding Local Section Career Program Award
This award recognizes Local Section Career programs that have contributed significantly to ACS Members' career management and development.

Committee on Environment and Sustainability (CES)

Outstanding Sustainability Activities
The award recipient will have demonstrated their program educates people, enhances awareness or promotes discussions between society members and the general public, or encourages activities in the community or local businesses about sustainability.

Committee on Ethics (ETHX)

Outstanding Local Section Programming Related to the Promotion of Ethics in Chemistry
This award recognizes outstanding programming related to ethics by a local section.

Committee on International Activities (IAC)

Global Engagement Award
This award will honor an International Chapter, a Local Section and Division in recognition of their efforts in the international realm.

Outstanding Global Partnership Award
This award recognizes successful and exemplary international partnerships. These partnerships can be between ACS membership groups, such as local sections, divisions, and international chapters and/or between ACS groups and non-ACS organizations in industry, academia, government, and/or scientific societies.

Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)

Best Activity or Program Stimulating Member Involvement
This award honors a local section that offered a new or improved activity or program that stimulated member involvement. A local section can nominate only one activity or program for this award.

Local Section Partnership/Marinda Li Wu Award
This award recognizes an outstanding example of a local section forming an alliance with another group that results in a successful activity. This award is presented jointly by LSAC and former ACS President Marinda Li Wu.

Most Innovative New Activity or Program
This award honors a local section that initiated a unique activity or program. A local section can nominate only one activity or program for this award. 

Outstanding Performance Awards by a Local Section
This award recognizes local sections by size category for outstanding overall performance and for excellence in individual programs or activities.

Committee on Meetings & Expositions (M&E)

Outstanding Regional Meeting
This award recognizes outstanding performance in organizing and hosting a regional meeting.

Committee on Minority Affairs (CMA)

Best Overall Local Section Minority Affairs
This award recognizes a Local Section Committee on Minority Affairs that consistently promotes and encourages the participation and leadership of underrepresented minorities in the chemical sciences.

Committee on Project SEED (SEED)

Outstanding Project SEED Program Award
The award recipient must be involved in outreach to high schools, local business/ industry, academic institutions, mentor and student interaction, and financial support. Recipient must demonstrate an outstanding organization and potential for growth.

Committee on Public Relations and Communications (CPRC)

Helen M. Free Award for Public Outreach
The Helen M. Free Award for Public Outreach recognizes volunteer achievements by an ACS member who improves public recognition and appreciation for the contributions of chemistry. Nominations must be submitted by email. Details can be found on the Helen M. Free Award page.

Best New Public Relations or Communications Program of a Local Section
This award recognizes outstanding new efforts by local sections to promote chemistry to the public or to members.

Outstanding Continuing Public Relations or Communications Program of a Local Section
This award recognizes outstanding continuing efforts by local sections to promote chemistry to the public or to members.

Committee on Technician Affairs (CTA)

Best Event or Activity Organized by, or Benefiting, the Applied Chemical Technology Professional Community
This award recognizes an outstanding event or activity organized by or benefitting the Applied Chemical Technology Professional (Chemical Technician) community.  Examples include: networking events, career fairs/workshops, industry tours, symposia.

Divisional Activities Committee (DAC)

Most Unique Project as Funded by a Division Innovative Project Grant
This award honors a division for the most unique project, as funded by an Innovative Project Grant, reported during the last fiscal year. IPG final reports are considered for this award and should be used in the nomination.  A division must self-nominate itself for the award.

Recognition of Innovation and Outstanding Service to Members of a Division
This award honors a division for unique activities or programs during the last fiscal year as provided in their annual report. A division must self-nominate itself for the award.

Joint IAC & SOCED Award

Fostering Interactions between International Chapters & International Student Chapters
This award is given jointly by the International Activities Committee (IAC) and the Society Committee on Education (SOCED).

Joint LSAC & DAC Award

Outstanding Local Section-Division Collaboration
This award honors a local section and division for a joint activity or program in the previous calendar year. A local section or division can submit the nomination for this award. Two support letters, (1) from the current division Chair and (2) from the local section Chair, are required for this nomination.

Joint SOCED & AACT Governing Board

Outstanding American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) Support Award
This award honors ACS Local Sections for outstanding support of the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT).   

Membership Affairs Committee (MAC)

MAC Industry Engagement & Outreach
The award recognizes the efforts of the chemical industry for engagement and outreach to the chemistry community about working in industry.

Senior Chemists Committee (SCC)

Best Continuing Senior Chemists Activity within a Local Section
The award recognizes a local section's continued efforts to recognize senior members and increase senior chemists' participation in activities that benefits the community, local schools, or legislative government.

Best New Senior Chemists Activity within a Local Section
This award recognizes efforts to encourage creative and innovative events and/or activities for senior chemists at the local section level.

Society Committee on Education (SOCED)

Fostering Interactions between Local Sections and Student Chapters
This award recognizes an ACS local section that has contributed significantly to the professional development of ACS student members in its region.

Outstanding High School Student Program Award
This award recognizes local sections that have developed outstanding chemical education activities for high school students.

Outstanding Engagement with K-8 Students
This award recognizes local sections who volunteer in elementary and middle schools to deliver quality hands-on science education.

Outstanding U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad
Award recipients must demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the Chemistry Olympiad program, including outreach to high schools, local industries, and universities. Local sections must demonstrate an outstanding organization and potential for growth.

Women Chemists Committee (WCC)

Best Local Section Women Chemists Committee Event/Activity
This award recognizes a local section for organizing special events and activities that engage women chemists and promote diversity, equity, inclusion and respect.  

Most Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee
This award recognizes a local section for efforts in promoting the work of women in the chemical sciences.

Younger Chemists Committee (YCC)

Outstanding Local Section Younger Chemists Committee
This award recognizes local section YCCs that demonstrate organizational stability, solid membership and participation, involvement with their ACS local section, and an overall balance of activities.

Outstanding or Creative Local Section Younger Chemists Committee Event
This award is given by the Younger Chemists Committee and recognizes a local section YCC or divisional event that had the greatest impact on younger chemists (career development, outreach, membership recruitment/retention, or social event, etc.).

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