ACS PRF Annual Report 2019 - Panel 8
Geology and Geophysics: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, geomorphology, structural geology, and geophysics.
- 57123-DNI8: The Effect of a Liquid Phase in a Granular System on Force Distribution During Deformation, Jacqueline E. Reber, Ph.D. , Iowa State University
- 57423-DNI8: Signal Propagation from Space to Time: Implications to Modeling Stratigraphic Record, Arvind Singh, Ph.D. , University of Central Florida
- 57764-DNI8: Investigating Advective and Diffusive Controls on Fine-Grained Sediment Transport and Deposition, John B. Shaw, Ph.D. , University of Arkansas
- 58015-DNI8: Conodont Thermochronology: Expanding the Utility of the (U-Th)/He Method to Marine Carbonates and Shales, Tandis S. Bidgoli, Ph.D. , University of Missouri-Columbia
- 58626-DNI8: Is Railroad Valley an Anomaly? Using Mountain Geomorphology and Basin Stratigraphy to Identify Buried Mega-Landslides, Daniel M. Sturmer, Ph.D. , University of Cincinnati
- 58780-DNI8: Neoproterozoic Analogs for Mg-Silicate-Bearing Petroleum Basins, Justin Vincent Strauss, Ph.D. , Dartmouth College
- 58817-DNI8: Exploring the Role of Organic Sediment Dynamics on Channel Clustering and Alluvial Architecture, Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba, Ph.D. , Montclair State University
- 59062-DNI8: Combining Data and Models of the Centralian Superbasin to Investigate Cratonic Basin Formation, Jacqueline Austermann, Ph.D. , Columbia University
- 59440-DNI8: Frequency-Dependent Attenuation of Elastic Waves in Fault Zones, Melodie E. French, Ph.D. , Rice University
- 57151-ND8: Testing Carbonate Shelf Geometry as a Control on Highstand Delivery of Siliciclastics to Basin Settings, Dustin E. Sweet, Ph.D. , Texas Tech University
- 57222-ND8: Heat Flow Map of SE Asia Including Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines., Kirsten Ngaire Nicholson, Ph.D. , Ball State University
- 57428-ND8: Alluvial Suspended Sediment Routing as a Filter of Source Area Tectonic and Climatic Signals: 3-D Stratigraphic Analysis and Modeling, James E. Pizzuto, Ph.D. , University of Delaware
- 57811-ND8: Do Muds Sort? Experimental Test of a Hypothesis Key to Understanding Marine Bottom Currents, Brian W. Romans, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- 57824-ND8: Redox-Sensitive Chemical Elements of Upwelling Ramp Systems: A Comparative Study of Modern and Ancient Carbonates, Eugene C. Rankey, Ph.D. , University of Kansas
- 57832-ND8: Two-Phase Flow and Episodic Pore Fluid Migration through Rock Salt: Control on Sub-Salt Pressure and Seal Capacity, Marc A. Hesse, Ph.D. , The University of Texas at Austin
- 58795-ND8: Persistence of Shell Carbonate and Paleo-Environmental Information under Challenging Conditions: Time-Averaging and Aragonite Stabilization in Modern Cold-Water Seabeds, Susan M. Kidwell, Ph.D. , University of Chicago
- 58927-ND8: Thermal Modeling of the Michigan Basin: Why are Hydrocarbons Mature?, Michelle A. Kominz, Ph.D. , Western Michigan University
- 58951-ND8: The Relationship between Strain Rate and Fracture Density under 2D Isotropic Tension, W. Ashley Griffith, Ph.D. , The Ohio State University
- 59401-ND8: Water Chemistry Controls on Carbonate Factories and Reservoir Quality Distribution in the Jurassic Smackover Formation: Implications for Exploration in Carbonate Ramp Plays, Marcello Minzoni, Ph.D. , University of Alabama
- 57156-UNI8: 3-D Imaging of Experimental Stratigraphy Using Computed Tomography, Brady Z. Foreman, Ph.D. , Western Washington University
- 57363-UNI8: Linking Decadal-Scale Changes in Continental Shelf Sediment Accumulation to Variability in Ocean and Terrestrial Processes, Joseph A. Carlin, Ph.D. , California State University, Fullerton
- 57363-UNI8: Linking Decadal-Scale Changes in Continental Shelf Sediment Accumulation to Variability in Ocean and Terrestrial Processes, Joseph A. Carlin, Ph.D. , California State University, Fullerton
- 57809-UNI8: Reconstructing Neogene Paleogeography and Forearc Basin Evolution of Southern Cascadia using Detrital Mineral Geochronology, Melanie J. Michalak, Ph.D. , Humboldt State University
- 59165-UNI8: Relationship between Rome Trough Reactivation and the Distal Stratigraphy and Reservoir Quality of the Devonian Marcellus and Burket Formations of the Appalachian Basin, Kathryn Tamulonis, Ph.D. , Allegheny College
- 56079-UR8: Sulfur Isotope Chemostratigraphy as a Potential Tool for Correlation in Paleozoic Dolomite, David S. Jones, Ph.D. , Amherst College
- 56245-UR8: Testing Models for the Formation of the Great Valley Basin using Detrital Zircon U/Pb Dates: An Early Cretaceous Forearc Basin or a Mid-Jurassic Pull-Apart Basin?, Diane Clemens-Knott, Ph.D. , California State University, Fullerton
- 56956-UR8: Post-Rift Tectonism on Circum-Atlantic Margins?, William H. Amidon, Ph.D. , Middlebury College
- 56967-UR8: Building a High Resolution Record of Organic-Walled Microfossils in Upper Devonian Shales: Paleoenvironmental and Ecological Implications, Phoebe A. Cohen, Ph.D. , Williams College
- 57720-UR8: Comparative Analyses of Piped-Zone Ichnofabrics in Cretaceous-Paleocene Shelf-Sea Chalk-Marl Sequences, U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain, Charles E. Savrda, Ph.D. , Auburn University
- 58572-UR8: Making Laboratory Deformation Bands in Sandstones for Comparison with Natural Field Data from the San Andreas Fault System, Sarah J. Titus, Ph.D. , Carleton College
- 58926-UR8: Testing Links between Marine Anoxia and Mercury Enrichments during the Late Cambrian SPICE Event, Sara B. Pruss, Ph.D. , Smith College