ACS Green Chemistry Institute

International Affiliates: Argentina

The Argentinean chapter has been focusing on gathering strategic data about chemical users in Argentina. They developed one questionnaire to determine a profile of chemical research in Argentina and the potential for developing green chemistry within this profile. The data they collect will be accessible to members of the Green Chemistry Research Network, which is to be created through the inception of the survey. Another questionnaire has been designed to evaluate the Argentinean chemical industry for capacity and performance, including environmental performance.

Contact Information:

Gerardo Burton

Departamento de QuÍmica OrgÁnica

Pabellón II, Piso 3, Ciudad Universitaria

Buenos Aires C1428EHA


Tel: 5411 4576 3385

Jorge Naveira

Zepita 3178

CP 1285

Buenos Aires


Tel: 0054-11-6344-1300/1309

Daniel Gonzalez ValtueÑa

Mendoza 1059

P 11, -C-, Buenos Aires 1428


Tel: 5411 4786 7783

Roberto FernÁndez Prini , Chairman INQUIMAE

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

Pabellón II, Piso 3, Ciudad Universitaria

Buenos Aires C1428EHA


Tel: 5411 754 7175

Fax: 5411 4576 3341

Dr. Otilia Vainstok

Centro de Estudios Avanzados

Uriburu 950

Buenos Aires 1114


Tel: 5411 4508 3624

Fax: 5411 4508 3628