ACS Science Elements Archive: 2014
Science news podcasts from the American Chemical Society
A weekly digest of cutting edge research from the American Chemical Society
Episode 451 – Dec 18, 2014
Seawater greenhouses could help plants thrive in desert.
Articles available for this podcast:
Seawater green house could help deserts bloom
Episode 450 – Dec 17, 2014
New ‘smart’ windows cool without blocking the view.
Articles available for this podcast:
Smart windows’ could help repel heat, save energy
Episode 449 – Dec 15, 2014
Scientist combing for baldness cure find possible solution.
Articles available for this podcast:
Beehive sealant promotes hair growth in mice
Episode 448 – Dec 11, 2014
New treatment could potentially neutralize common allergens linked to asthma attacks.
Articles available for this podcast:
Gut bacteria from a worm can degrade plastic
Episode 447 – Dec 10, 2014
Worm could help world “recycle" unwanted plastic.
Articles available for this podcast:
Unique way to treat asthma: neutralize the trigger
Episode 446 – Dec 08, 2014
Scientists take a big step toward an artificial leaf capable of producing hydrogen fuel.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists take strides toward a low-cost, ‘artificial leaf that produces hydrogen fuel
Episode 445 – Dec 04, 2014
Blueberries may not improve night vision.
Articles available for this podcast:
New finding casts doubt on berry’s effect on night vision
Episode 444 – Dec 03, 2014
Hydraulic fracking linked to higher levels of groundwater pollution.
Articles available for this podcast:
New concerns arise over hydraulic fracking
Episode 443 – Dec 01, 2014
Cleaner heating oils could help prevent health problems.
Articles available for this podcast:
Switching to cleaner heating oils could prevent health problems
Episode 442 – Nov 20, 2014
Artificial retinas could help restore vision to aging eyes.
Articles available for this podcast:
Artificial retina could someday help restore vision
Episode 441 – Nov 19, 2014
Needle-free vaccine prevents Ebola in primates.
Articles available for this podcast:
Needle-free Ebola vaccine provide long-term protect in macaques
Episode 440 – Nov 17, 2014
Researchers find cost-efficient, effective way to detect gas and oil leaks.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists find effective, cost-saving way to detect natural gas pipeline leaks
Episode 439 – Nov 13, 2014
Researchers develop fast, one-step cocaine test.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientist develop fast, portable cocaine testing device
Episode 438 – Nov 12, 2014
New color shifting ink inspired by a beetle could help thwart counterfeiting.
Articles available for this podcast:
Longhorn beetle inspires ink to fight counterfeiting
Episode 437 – Nov 10, 2014
Scientists look for ways to combat 'sick building syndrome'.
Articles available for this podcast:
Low cost, space age air filters could help eradicate ‘sick building syndrome.’
Episode 436 – Nov 06, 2014
Scientists unravel why plants don’t' get sunburned.
Articles available for this podcast:
Why plants don’t get sunburn
Episode 435 – Nov 05, 2014
Olive oil better seed oils for frying.
Articles available for this podcast:
Frying foods with olive oil yields better results than using seed oils
Episode 434 – Nov 03, 2014
Advance could lead to better, more flexible display screens.
Articles available for this podcast:
‘Greener,’ low-cost transistor could revolutionize flexible electronic
Episode 433 – Oct 30, 2014
New skin patch takes the sting out of blood testing.
Articles available for this podcast:
Skin patch could replace syringe for disease diagnosis
Episode 432 – Oct 29, 2014
Discarded cell phones and other electronic waste 'flooding' into developing countries.
Articles available for this podcast:
Discarded electronic waste overwhelming developing countries
Episode 431 – Oct 27, 2014
Scientists discover a way to potentially repair liver damage without surgery.
Articles available for this podcast:
Tonsil stem cells could eventually help repair liver damage without surgery
Episode 430 – Oct 23, 2014
Breathtaking new technique could help detect disease in bottlenose dolphins.
Articles available for this podcast:
Dolphin ‘breathalyzer’ could help diagnose animal and ocean health
Episode 429 – Oct 22, 2014
Researchers seek to unravel mysteries of avant-garde cuisine.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientific analysis could lead to even more fanciful ‘avant-garde cuisine
Episode 428 – Oct 20, 2014
Scientists take strides toward Ebola vaccine.
Articles available for this podcast:
Therapy could potentially help contain future outbreaks of one type of ebola
Episode 427 – Oct 16, 2014
Researcher make progress toward 24-7 diabetes monitoring device.
Episode 426 – Oct 15, 2014
'Electronic skin' could help doctors detect breast cancer earlier.
Articles available for this podcast:
‘Electronic skin’ could improve breast cancer detection
Episode 425 – Oct 13, 2014
Sunscreen ingredients could harm ocean's tiniest inhabitants.
Articles available for this podcast:
Sunblock poses potential risk to sea life
Episode 424 – Oct 09, 2014
Scientists reexamine what triggers depression in the brain.
Articles available for this podcast:
Study raises doubts about what triggers depression in the brain
Episode 423 – Oct 08, 2014
Bird-inspired fog collector could help quench thirst in arid regions.
Articles available for this podcast:
Artificial beaks that collect water from fog: A drought solution?
Episode 422 – Oct 06, 2014
Energetic researchers seek to develop potent new batteries.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists develop new rechargeable lithium batteries
Episode 421 – Oct 02, 2014
Scientists close in a way to make colorful plastics the way nature intended.
Articles available for this podcast:
Nature inspires a greener way to make colorful plastics
Episode 420 – Oct 01, 2014
Two popular cooking herbs could one day help some people control type-2 diabetes.
Articles available for this podcast:
Popular culinary herbs contain diabetes-fighting compounds
Episode 419 – Sept 29, 2014
Waste not, want not: scientists discover way to transform leftover food into chairs, rugs.
Articles available for this podcast:
Transforming waste from rice, parsley and other foods into biodegradable plastic
Episode 418 – Sept 25, 2014
New process could help police make a splash in war on drugs.
Articles available for this podcast:
New device could help detect illegal ‘bath salts’
Episode 417 – Sept 24, 2014
Organic or not? Chemists help sort out food controversy
Articles available for this podcast:
New test could root out organic food fraud
Episode 416 – Sept 22, 2014
Mexican plant extract could change how perfumes are made.
Articles available for this podcast:
Mexican plant could help reduce environmental impact of perfume industry
Episode 415 – Sept 18, 2014
Spray-on baking is a piece of cake.
Articles available for this podcast:
Cake in a can could have a sweet future
Episode 414 – Sept 17, 2014
New scanner could improve brain cancer surgery outcomes.
Articles available for this podcast:
Handheld scanner could improve brain tumor surgery, reduce risk of recurrence
Episode 413 – Sept 15, 2014
3-D printers could make organs for transplant readily available.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists investigate using 3D printing to make transplantable organs
Episode 412 – Sept 11, 2014
Cyborg science digs into the brain.
Articles available for this podcast:
Cyborg science could lead to better treatments for neurodegenerative diseases
Episode 411 – Sept 10, 2014
Sniffing out smuggled cash without dogs.
Articles available for this podcast:
Device could sniff out smuggled money
Episode 410 – Sept 08, 2014
Flexible covering could dampen burn infection risk
Articles available for this podcast:
New biomaterial can coat tricky burn wounds and block out infection
Episode 409 – Sept 04, 2014
ACS Meeting highlights global sustainability.
Episode 408 – Sept 03, 2014
Scientists close in on a way to diminish nut allergies.
Articles available for this podcast:
New method could make cashews safer for those with nut allergies
Episode 407 – Sept 02, 2014
Venom gets good buzz as a potential cancer-fighter.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists suggest venom could lead to development of cancer-fighting drugs
Episode 406 – Aug 28, 2014
Sweat power could charge up smart phones, other devices.
Articles available for this podcast:
Tattoo biobatteries produce power from sweat
Episode 405 – Aug 26, 2014
Test could detect unwanted fillers in coffee.
Articles available for this podcast:
Keeping filler ingredients out of your coffee
Episode 404 – Aug 25, 2014
New process could transform landfill gases into useful fuel.
Articles available for this podcast:
New process could transform landfill waste into hydrogen fuel
Episode 403 – Aug 07, 2014
Self-healing paint could eliminate automotive scratches.
Articles available for this podcast:
Self-healing paint could eliminate scratches on cars and trucks
Episode 402 – Aug 06, 2014
Tiny DNA pyramids could help eradicate harmful bacteria.
Articles available for this podcast:
DNA pyramids could help nix bacterial infections
Episode 401 – Aug 04, 2014
Scientists predict which sewer pipes might raise a stink.
Articles available for this podcast:
Researchers examine ways to predict sewage pipe leaks before they happen
Episode 400 – July 31, 2014
Supreme Court rules on jilted scientist's "act of war."
Articles available for this podcast:
Sprinkling harmful chemicals on mailbox isn’t a war crime, Supreme Court rules.
Episode 399 – July 30, 2014
"Green buildings" could improve health of low-income residents
Articles available for this podcast:
“Green buildings” could help improve health of low-income residents
Episode 398 – July 28, 2014
Nano liquids could help prevent computers and other electronic devices from overheating
Articles available for this podcast:
Nanofluids could help keep electronics from overheating
Episode 397 – July 24, 2014
New glass surface could make life easier for mobile device users
Articles available for this podcast:
Researchers close in on better anti-glare, anti-reflective displays for mobile devices
Episode 396 – July 23, 2014
Scientists close in on a way to corral stink bugs
Articles available for this podcast:
New finding could help stifle stink bugs naturally
Episode 395 – July 21, 2014
Used bubble wrap could find new life as medical testing equipment
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists transform bubble wrap into test tube-like containers
Episode 394 – July 17, 2014
Protein in squid tentacles could lead to creation of new eco-frinedly materials
Articles available for this podcast:
Squid “teeth” inspire quest for material that could aid reconstructive surgery
Episode 393 – July 16, 2014
Researchers unlock a secret hidden in a material older than the dinosaurs
Articles available for this podcast:
Secret of ancient amber revealed
Episode 392 – July 14, 2014
Hot dog!scientists zero on a way to make low-fat wieners more appealing
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists close in on a better tasting low-fat hot dog
Episode 391 – July 10, 2014
Female scientists can finally say, "Toys are Us!"
Articles available for this podcast:
Female scientists can say, "Lego Girl Power!"
Episode 390 – July 09, 2014
New wound-healing material keeps bacteria in check.
Articles available for this podcast:
New material improves wound healing
Episode 389 – July 07, 2014
Pavement sealant ban lessens environmental risks.
Articles available for this podcast:
Pavement sealant ban slashes levels of potentially harmful compounds in lake
Episode 388 – July 03, 2014
Chemists explain the science behind the 'rockets' red glare and the bombs bursting in air'.
Episode 387 – July 02, 2014
New technique could help identify inks without harming historic documents.
Articles available for this podcast:
New ink identification technique could help preserve historic documents
Episode 386 – June 30, 2014
New analytical technique could enhance detection of illicit drugs in communities.
Articles available for this podcast:
New analytic tool could help police gauge illicit drug use in real time
Episode 385 – June 26, 2014
White bread encourages growth of 'good' microbes in gut.
Articles available for this podcast:
White bread helps boost ‘good’ microbes in the gut
Episode 384 – June 25, 2014
Scientists reveal how a deadly bacteria eludes detection in the body.
Articles available for this podcast:
Protein change helps sneaky bacteria elude detection
Episode 383 – June 23, 2014
The surprising reason why smog continues to soar in Los Angeles.
Articles available for this podcast:
Heavy airport traffic potential major contributor to pollution in Los Angeles
Episode 382 – June 19, 2014
White, bright and sustainable: researchers help cotton make a fashion statement.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists develop earth-friendly way to brighten white cotton fabrics
Episode 381 – June 18, 2014
Vitamin C could reduce risks associated with cardiovascular stents.
Articles available for this podcast:
Coating stents with vitamin C could risk reduce clotting risk
Episode 380 – June 16, 2014
Scientist move closer to a practical way of storing vast amounts of hydrogen fuel.
Articles available for this podcast:
A new solution for storing hydrogen fuel
Episode 379 – June 12, 2014
Researcher question emergency water treatment guidelines.
Articles available for this podcast:
Researchers question emergency water treatment guidelines
Episode 378 – June 11, 2014
New test could speed diagnosis of hepatitis C.
Articles available for this podcast:
Paper-based diagnostic tool could help curb hepatitis C pandemic
Episode 377 – June 09, 2014
Discovery could dampen fire risk in lithium-ion batteries.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists develop safer lithium-ion battery
Episode 376 – June 05, 2014
Chemical sensors could help rescuers locate missing people in rubble.
Articles available for this podcast:
Dynamic Vapor Generator That Simulates Transient Odor Emissions of Victims Entrapped in the Voids of Collapsed Buildings
Episode 375 – June 04, 2014
Study links liquid soap ingredient to increased risk of breast cancer.
Articles available for this podcast:
Liquid soap ingredient promotes breast cancer cell growth in lab studies
Episode 374 – June 02, 2014
New 'smart' coating could help cleanup oil spills.
Articles available for this podcast:
New smart coating could make oil spill cleanup faster
Episode 373 – May 29, 2014
New flour could help nix food allergies.
Articles available for this podcast:
New flour could help forestall allergic food reactions
Episode 372 – May 28, 2014
Red wine could help prevent cavities.
Articles available for this podcast:
Red wine could help prevent cavities
Episode 371 – May 27, 2014
Balancing the needs for oil and water is tricky.
Articles available for this podcast:
Avoiding water wars between ‘fracking’ industry and residents
Episode 370 – May 22, 2014
Ultra-thin power source a step closer to reality.
Articles available for this podcast:
Energy device for flexible electronics packs a potent punch
Episode 369 – May 21, 2014
Science could enhance the allure of perfume.
Articles available for this podcast:
`Perfumery Radar’ could help create new scents
Episode 368 – May 19, 2014
Changes in brain trigger job switches in aging bees.
Articles available for this podcast:
Scientists link honeybees’ changing roles to brain chemistry
Episode 367 – May 15, 2014
Beer made from fossilized yeast ready to make a splash.
Articles available for this podcast:
Fossil-infused beer
Episode 366 – May 14, 2014
Why whey could help ease diabetes risk in obese people.
Articles available for this podcast:
Nursery rhyme food could reduce diabetes risk in obese adults
Episode 365 – May 12, 2014
New pressure sensors could lead to safer cars.
Articles available for this podcast:
Flexible pressure sensor film shows how much force a surface ‘feels’ – in color
Episode 364 – May 08, 2014
Researchers find a new way to nix a nautical nuisance.
Articles available for this podcast:
Sustainable paint repels barnacles
Episode 363 – May 07, 2014
Nature calls: Scientists discover a greener way to make a common synthetic fabric.
Articles available for this podcast:
A green source of polyester – cork trees
Episode 362 – May 05, 2014
Scientists take a step toward better understanding of Alzheimer's disease.
Articles available for this podcast:
Toward unraveling the Alzheimer’s mystery
Episode 361 – May 01, 2014
What does platinum have in common in with giant pandas?
Episode 360 – April 30, 2014
Waste not, want not on the road to space.
Articles available for this podcast:
Recycling urine for sustainable space flight
Episode 359 – April 28, 2014
New technology could ease detection of counterfeit money.
Articles available for this podcast:
Barcodes could foil counterfeiting
Episode 358 – April 24, 2014
Finding a superbug's Achilles heel.
Articles available for this podcast:
Promising agents burst through “superbug” defenses
Episode 357 – April 23, 2014
Detecting strokes could soon be faster, more accurate.
Articles available for this podcast:
Diagnosing stoke faster and more accurately
Episode 356 – April 21, 2014
New lab technique could reduce need for animal testing.
Articles available for this podcast:
‘3D’ test could reduce reliance on animals for testing asthma and allergy drugs
Episode 355 – April 17, 2014
Two more reasons to indulge in a bit of chocolate.
Articles available for this podcast:
Key chocolate ingredients could help prevent obesity, diabetes
Episode 354 – April 16, 2014
How sparkling is champagne? Let us count the ways.
Articles available for this podcast:
How bubbly is your champagne?
Episode 353 – April 14, 2014
Beer marinade helps make grilled meats healthier.
Articles available for this podcast:
Beer marinade could slash levels of potentially harmful substances in grilled meats
Episode 352 – April 10, 2014
Wee! Something you really shouldn't do in the pool.
Articles available for this podcast:
Is it safe to pee in the pool?
Episode 351 – April 09, 2014
Scientists close in on way to keep electronic parts from clogging up the works.
Articles available for this podcast:
Keeping small electronic parts from sticking together
Episode 350 – April 07, 2014
A shot in the dark? A keen new tool could help solve crimes.
Articles available for this podcast:
Improving what investigators can learn from gunshot residue
Episode 349 – April 03, 2014
What wowed researchers at the ACS National Meeting.
Episode 348 – April 02, 2014
A 500-year-old musical score gives directions for making the 'philosopher's stone.'
Articles available for this podcast:
Chemically-inspired music includes secrets of the ‘philosopher’s stone.’
Episode 347 – March 31, 2014
A wristband unlike any other could help detect environmental hazards.
Articles available for this podcast:
A wristband for a different kind of cause — environmental health
Episode 346 – March 27, 2014
The hunt is on for a new way to detect diabetes.
Articles available for this podcast:
How the science of deer hunting can help patients with diabetes
Episode 345 – March 26, 2014
The quest to make low and non-fat foods more appetizing.
Articles available for this podcast:
Better-tasting reduced-fat desserts, dressings, sauces: Coming soon?
Episode 344 – March 24, 2014
Using animals in drug testing could be on its way out.
Articles available for this podcast:
An end to animal testing for drug discovery?
Episode 343 – March 20, 2014
Scientists are making key discovering about homegrown vodkas in the Lone Star state.
Articles available for this podcast:
Texans are turning to a different kind of spirit — vodka — and saltier is better
Episode 342 – March 19, 2014
Honey could be one sweet solution to the ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
Articles available for this podcast:
Honey is a new approach to fighting antibiotic resistance: How sweet it is!
Episode 341 – March 17, 2014
Scientists close in on a way to make a pain-relieving drug derived from snail venom.
Articles available for this podcast:
Advance toward developing an oral pain reliever derived from debilitating snail venom
Episode 340 – March 13, 2014
Peanut butter and jellyfish: yes, they really go together.
Articles available for this podcast:
No joke: Jelly fish like peanut butter
Episode 339 – March 12, 2014
Turning the page: transforming paper mill waste into usable fuel.
Articles available for this podcast:
Waste from age-old paper industry becomes new source of solid fuel
Episode 338 – March 10, 2014
Old garlic can help keep us healthier.
Articles available for this podcast:
Don’t throw out old, sprouting garlic — it has heart-healthy antioxidants
Episode 337 – March 06, 2014
Privacy and safety could get a big boost at airports.
Articles available for this podcast:
Improving explosives detectors for remote sensing: The beginning of the end of full-body scanners?
Episode 336 – March 05, 2014
Google Glass could help stop e merging public health threats around the world.
Articles available for this podcast:
Google Glass could help detect emerging health threats
Episode 335 – March 03, 2014
Scientists move toward a better treatment for Parkinson's disease.
Articles available for this podcast:
Novel compound keeps Parkinson’s symptoms at bay in mice
Episode 334 – February 27, 2014
How a once-disparaged substance could have surprising health benefits.
Articles available for this podcast:
Hempseed oil loaded with health-promoting compounds
Episode 333 – February 26, 2014
How specialized air filters could block potentially harmful particles from getting into cars.
Articles available for this podcast:
Special car air filter keeps small particles in check
Episode 332 – February 24, 2014
Scientists discover how exercise energizes the heart’s cellular powerhouses.
Articles available for this podcast:
Exercise helps cellular powerhouses keep hearts in tiptop shape
Episode 331 – February 20, 2014
How to tell if your champagne is sensational without popping the cork.
Articles available for this podcast:
How to tell when bubbly goes bad before popping the cork
Episode 330 – February 19, 2014
How electronically controlled drugs could minimize side effects.
Articles available for this podcast:
Electronically controlled drugs could minimize side effects
Episode 329 – February 17, 2014
Scientists edge nearer to the day when they can create new tissue to fix damaged hearts.
Articles available for this podcast:
Toward fixing damaged hearts through tissue engineering
Episode 328 – February 13, 2014
Chemistry helps end 50 year Olympic medal drought.
Articles available for this podcast:
The chemical ingenuity that may have helped an Olympic quest
Episode 327 – February 12, 2014
Recharging your cell phone could soon be a breeze.
Articles available for this podcast:
Tiny windmills could make recharging cell phones a breeze
Episode 326 – February 10, 2014
Scientists close in a faster way to detect and prevent foodborne illnesses.
Articles available for this podcast:
A faster way to flag bacteria-tainted food – and prevent illness
Episode 325 – February 06, 2014
Coming up, why Central Park helps keep New Yorkers happy.
Articles available for this podcast:
Picturing pain could help unlock its mysteries and lead to better treatments
Episode 324 – February 05, 2014
What do seashells have to do with preserving old bones? We have the answer coming up on Science Elements.
Articles available for this podcast:
Seashells inspire new way to preserve ancient bones
Episode 323 – February 03, 2014
Why picturing pain could help scientists develop better ways to cope with it. That’s coming up next on Science Elements.
Articles available for this podcast:
Picturing pain could help unlock its mysteries and lead to better treatments
Episode 322 – January 27, 2014
A better understanding of how bacteria take over human cells could lead to better treatments of infections. How “reprogramming” one of the world’s most notorious bacteria could help us fight off infectious diseases. Researchers are developing a new way to fend off drug-resistant malaria.
Articles available for this podcast:
New ways to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Target human cells instead
Recruiting E. coli bacteria to combat hard-to-treatment bacterial infections
New strategy emerges for fighting drug-resistant malaria
Episode 321 – January 20, 2014
How a new test could help detect genetically modified foods. Scientists have unearthed a way to authenticate one of the world’s most famous and desirable truffles. New research could help chocolate connoisseurs get one step closer to confectionary heaven.
Articles available for this podcast:
First comprehensive test to detect genetic modification in food
Scientists unearth secrets of Périgord Truffles
Finally, a way to authenticate premium chocolates
Episode 320 – January 13, 2014
How an inexpensive paper-based device could expand the use of medical tests in remote regions of the world. How metal inks could ease the way toward flexible books. Why literally laundering money could save billions of dollars.
Articles available for this podcast:
Paper-based device could bring medical testing to remote locales
Metal Ink could ease the way toward flexible electronic books, displays
Laundering money – literally – could save billions of dollars
Episode 319 – January 06, 2014
Why researchers are paying closer attention to substances in shampoos and other personal care products that children and their parents use regularly. How formula-feeding may be linked to an increased risk of disease in later life. Why scientists are concerned about certain substances in vinyl flooring used in daycare centers and schools.
Articles available for this podcast:
Personal care products are possible sources of potentially harmful parabens in babies
Formula-feeding linked to metabolic stress and increased risk of disease in later life
Vinyl flooring linked to potentially harmful substances at schools and daycare centers
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