Committee on Professional Training
What We Do
Mission & Vision
The Committee on Professional Training (CPT) empowers inclusive excellence while advancing and supporting innovation and continuous improvement in education and training.
- Promote effective practices and innovations in chemistry education
- Promote and ensure equitable program assessment with feedback
- Encourage broad participation in chemistry to enrich the profession with the talents of a diverse group of individuals
- Promote and assess skills and competencies needed in training students for successful careers in chemistry and related fields
- Identify, evaluate, and refine criteria used in the ACS-approval process so that these respond to the emerging trends in chemical education
- Reaffirm the value of the approval program and undergraduate certified degrees among academic communities and potential employers
Who We Are
CPT members are selected to maintain a balanced representation of:
- The sub-disciplines of chemistry
- The range of institutions served by the approval program
- Industry professionals
- Geographical locations
- Gender, race, ethnicity
If you are interested in joining CPT, please contact Dr. Michelle Brooks, Assistant Director of the Office of Higher Education and Staff Liaison to CPT.

- Announcing the Chemistry Program Approval & Review System (CPARS) - Visit the CPARS Training page to learn how to access and use CPARS to complete reports used in the ACS Approval process.
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect (DEIR) - ACS recognizes the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect as an integral part of undergraduate education. To address this, we have prepared a new section of the ACS Guidelines that addresses this current shortcoming.
Contact Us
ACS Approval Program Office
American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-872-4589
Fax: 202-872-6066