Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Presidential ACS Webinars on Entrepreneurship Training
Virtual Symposium at ACS Fall 2021
1. ACS Webinar Series on Entrepreneurship Training
- 7/21/2021: Starting a Company: The Critically Important Aspects of Incorporation
- 7/28/2021: Starting a Company: Protecting Your Intellectual Property
- 8/11/2021: Starting a Company: Organizing for Success
As scientists and engineers, we all know that innovation is the engine of growth for a society. The key is to translate these innovations and discoveries from bench to market. This requires entrepreneurial and business skills not usually taught in graduate schools. The goal of these ACS webinars is to provide an educational program to train more chemists and chemical engineers on entrepreneurship and business management. In this way, we can stimulate innovation, promote new enterprises, and recruit and retain members who see innovation and management as integral to their professional goals
These webinars are co-produced with ACS Industrial Member Programs, ACS Corporation Associates (CA), the ACS Committee on Chemical Technical Professionals, and the ACS Divisions of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB) and Business Development and Management (BMGT). Last year we held two successful ACS webinars; you can view them here:
2. “Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Collaborations” - Symposium at ACS Fall 2021
Organizing Committee: H. N. Cheng, Matthew Grandbois, Tiffany Hoerter, Joe Sabol, Diane Schmidt, Jim Skinner, George Stanley, Cal Trepagnier, Caroline Trupp Gil
The goals of this Presidential symposium are:
- To provide training and help to current or budding entrepreneurs and managers. These may include academic, industrial and government scientists and students.
- To communicate the best practices and case stories on entrepreneurship, university-industry-government collaborations, and management
- To facilitate networking and communication among the various groups within this space, including current and prospective entrepreneurs, funders, entrepreneur organizations,
- To help build a community of people interested and/or involved in business and entrepreneurial activities, who look upon ACS as a place for network, mutual help, and deal-making.