Curriculum Vitae
The curriculum vitae (CV), used to apply for academic positions, is more detailed than the traditional résumé and is significantly longer. There is no page limit on a CV. The goal of a CV is to establish your scholarly identity; therefore it will need to reflect your abilities as a teacher, researcher, and scholar. The CV is also a “living” document that is constantly updated as a faculty member's career progresses. It is a complete record of your professional career.
Unlike a résumé, you can use the same CV to apply for academic positions in a multiple colleges or universities without revising it. A typical CV includes the following information:
- Personal information - Name, mailing address, telephone numbers, web site and e-mail address.
- Education - Colleges and universities attended, degrees and dates awarded, Ph.D. dissertation title (typically with the name of the research supervisor) and the titles of your master's and undergraduate theses.
- Research experience - List your postdoc experience along with any other research experience; including instrument and computer experience.
- Teaching experience - This includes undergraduate tutoring or assisting experience, graduate teaching assistant assignments, and any special instructional responsibilities.
- Other employment and experience - Any other part- or full-time jobs that may be relevant to your job search.
- Other professional activities - Note your membership and activity in any relevant organizations, such as ACS, AAAS, NOBCChE, AWIS, or SACNAS, for example, including dates of membership and any leadership positions held.
- Honors and awards - Fellowships and honors received, including undergraduate academic awards.
- Patents - Complete list of all patents, both granted and submitted.
- Publications - Give complete citations, including authors, title, and journal reference.
- Presentations - Presentations are made at national, regional, and local meetings and conferences as well as other venues, such as a university seminar series. Identify authors, presenter, title, and venue, and indicate whether it was a paper or a poster presentation.
- Proposals submitted - If you have submitted any research proposals list them here.
- References - Names and addresses of three or four individuals who have agreed to write letters of recommendation for you. Some departments ask for the letters as part of the application. Others will ask for letters after you've been placed on the short list. In some cases, the department may contact your references directly. Find out what each department's procedure requires.