Job Clubs

What is a Job Club?

Job clubs are currently the most effective way to find employment!
Typically, they are small groups of 8 to 12 people who meet on a regular basis to talk about job searching and career goals.  Not all members are necessarily unemployed, some members are under-employed looking for better employment.  The group members support each other by sharing much-needed advice, celebrate the successes and provide encouragement. The group is a great way to network with other job seekers, hear about positions that are available in other disciplines and make connections to job lead resources through networking channels.
Benefits of belonging to a job club include peer support, access to advice and knowledge, accountability and structure, and leads to employment opportunities.

C&ENjobs connects job seekers with employers in the scientific community. Whether you’re searching for a position in academia, pharmaceuticals, government, or industry, C&Enjobs is the first step in starting your scientific career. Visit C&ENjobs today for the latest job posts!

ACS Career Services

Other Job Club Resources:

Job Club Webinar Series

ACS Career Series Videos