Events & News
- ACS-Hach Professional Development Grant
High school chemistry teachers can be awarded up to $1,500 to pursue opportunities that advance their professional development and enhance the teaching and learning of chemistry in their classrooms.
Application deadline: January 21
- ACS Scholars Award
ACS awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. Awards of up to $5,000 are given to qualified students.
Apply by March 1
- Safety Data Sheets: Information that Could Save Your Life
Make Safety Data Sheets a part of your chemistry instruction and teach your students how to assess hazards related to chemicals with this ChemMatters article.
- Plan Your Career with Ease for Using ChemIDP!
ChemIDP is an Individual Development Plan tool designed specifically for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences. Through immersive, self-paced activities, users identify career goals, determine specific skills needed for success, and develop a plan to achieve their professional goals. ChemIDP helps you track your progress and provides tips and strategies for realizing your goals. Fill yours out today at
- The Best of ChemMatters: Connecting Science and Literacy
Our new publication The Best of ChemMatters: Connecting Science and Literacy helps high school science teachers to connect STEM content, scientific literacy, and reading comprehension. It features 12 teacher-tested lesson plans based on articles from ChemMatters, an award-winning magazine.