ACS Student Communities

ACS student communities supports undergraduate and graduate students with resources to engage with their peers. Students can build leadership skills through outreach activities, grant writing, professional development opportunities, and more. Get connected to help expand your network, and have fun all at the same time!

ACS Student Community Grants

If your college or university doesn't have an active community, consider starting your own. You may be eligible for a Student Community Starter Grant.  

Student Community Toolkit

Successfully start and manage your student chapter or GSO with these resources. If you have any questions, email ACS Student Chapters at, ACS International Student Chapters at, or GSO at

Tips for Faculty Advisors

Faculty advisor responsibilities, tips for building a successful group, and other essential information

Find Active Student Communities

ACS student communities are located across the United States and in many countries across the globe.

Become an ACS Student Member

Expand your network and enrich your experience. Students receive steep discounts on Society membership!

High School Teachers & Students

Management of ACS's student community for high school students (ages approximately 14 - 18 years old) recently transitioned to the American Association for Chemistry Teachers.

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ACS Student Chapters

ACS Student International Chapters

Graduate Student Organization