Marketing Resources for ACS Student Communities

Find tools and resources to market your student community's events and activities.

Branding Guidelines & Logos

Download ACS's professionally-designed logos to print or share on social media. Review the ACS Branding Guidelines before using the ACS and student communities logos.

Note: Logos are located on the ACS Network. You'll need to log in with your ACS ID for access.

Connect on Social Media

Share your activities on social media and follow ACS Student Chapters and ACS Grads & Posdocs channels.

Spread Awareness of Your Student Community

Your student community can spread awareness about your organization, planned events, and chemistry in many ways. Here are some tips:

  • Create a website
  • Design a newsletter for all members and chemical sciences students
  • Publicize meetings and special events in classes and through eye-catching posters and flyers
  • Wear chapter t-shirts, buttons, and other promotional items at events
  • Establish a publicity or marketing committee

Publicize Your Events

Promoting your group's events can help generate interest and attract attendees. Here are some effective ways to advertise events:

  • College or university resources: Advertise events to chapter members, department chairs, faculty, and staff. Be sure to advertise to other clubs, student government, student centers, and other departments. Use campus bulletin boards, digital displays, and classroom announcements.
  • ACS Coummunities: Connect with other ACS Student Communites,  ACS Local Sections, ACS International Chemical Sciences Chapters and ACS Divisions.
  • Social media: Use social media platforms to create event pages and engage with your college community.
  • Email Newsletters: Include event information in email newsletters sent to students, faculty, and staff.
  • Student organizations: Reach out to other student organizations for support and promotion.
  • Your community: Reach out to other colleges, K-12 schools, and local industries for support.
  • Word-of-mouth: Encourage members to recommend events and activities and remind attendees to share their experiences with others.

Remember to start promoting well in advance and maintain consistent communication about the event.

Student Community Toolkit

Successfully start and manage your student chapter or GSO with these resources. If you have any questions, email ACS Student Chapters at, ACS International Student Chapters at, or GSO at

Tips for Faculty Advisors

Faculty advisor responsibilities, tips for building a successful group, and other essential information

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ACS Student Chapters

ACS Student International Chapters

Graduate Student Organization