ACS Student Chapter Reports
On this page:
Student chapter reports are an opportunity for chapters to inform ACS about their activities throughout the year, be eligible for a Student Chapter Award, and keep their chapter active. Student Chapter Awards and Green Chemistry Student Chapter Awards are based on exceptional activities, programs, initiatives described in chapter reports, after being reviewed by faculty advisors from around the world. The faculty review the reports and provide feedback on how to make the chapter more successful.
- To remain active, your chapter must submit a report at least once every three years
- Submit only one report per student chapter
Deadline: May 31 (annually)
- If using the Undergrad U.S. version of the report, here's how to log in:
- Use the Last Name/Member Number option to sign in.
- If you're not a paid ACS undergraduate student member, sign up first. Then contact to be connected to your student chapter
- Complete your chapter information, enter in events (U.S. undergrad only), and answer questions to build your report.
- Download the NEW financial report template (XLSX). Rename it before uploading it along with your narrative when talking about finances for the year. While it is not required to use this template, please make sure that you have all relevant information found on the template in your version.
Undergrad in the U.S. and U.S. territories:
International Student Chapters:
GSOs in the U.S. and U.S. territories
Components of a Chapter Report
Below you will find all of the sections and questions found on the report. Respond to all of the questions as completely as possible. Put as many details about your events and activities as possible.
We understand that English may not be your first language. Do not worry if your response is not grammatically correct. Reviewers will not penalize you for spelling or grammar errors.
Student Chapter Information
- Faculty advisor and co-advisor information
- Primary officers
- Number of students in chapter
- Student roster
- Faculty advisor and co-advisor information
As you complete your chapter report this year, think about how your chapter activities reflect the ACS Core Values.
- Describe two broad goals that your chapter had this year. If you accomplished them, how did you know you accomplished them? If you did not accomplish them, what are your barriers to achieving these goals?
- Describe an activity that best exemplifies your chapter's strengths and how you used available resources to accomplish that activity.
- What are one or two goals your chapter has for next year and using the SMART goals strategy how do you plan to accomplish them?
Complete this section by providing descriptions of your service activities (e.g. general community events, department/college events, etc.) Make sure ALL your service events from this year are included in this section.
- Describe how your chapter service efforts align with your chapter's strengths and/or goals.
- When necessary, how did you assess chemical safety needs for the outreach activities you performed? Consider how your chapter minimized hazards, prepared for potential emergencies, and informed your audience about safety. What would you do differently the next time?
Professional Development
Complete this section by providing descriptions of your professional development activities (e.g. planning/attending meetings, hosting speakers, etc.). Make sure ALL your professional development events from this year are included in this section.
- What area of professional development was most important to your chapter and why? Describe one event you held that impacted your growth in this area.
- How did you foster inclusivity at your events or during the planning of events?
Chapter Development
Complete this section by providing descriptions of your chapter development activities (e.g. social functions, chapter business meetings, etc.). Make sure ALL your chapter development activities are included in this section.
- In what ways has your chapter made the experiences better for members and students at your institution, and what types of events have been the most influential in accomplishing this?
- Did your chapter have opportunities to work with any ACS local sections or international chemical sciences chapters? If so, describe your engagement.
- Where would you like to see your chapter be five years from now when you come back as an alum? What activities and succession planning have you put in place to accomplish this vision?
Complete this section by providing information about your chapter's financial report. Download the new financial report template (XLSX), complete, and rename the file with your institution and the year, for example Mole-University-of-Chemistry-Student-Chapter-2024-2025. All chapter expenses and income must be included on your financial report.
You may use your own budget/financial report that is required by your institution, but make sure that you include all relevant information shown on the financial report template.
- Does your Chapter use fundraising and budget management to develop professional skills? If so, how? If not, what were the barriers and what can you do moving forward to overcome or work around these barriers?
- What sources of funding did your Chapter utilize to accomplish its goals for the year? Is this a sustainable model to follow in future years? If so, why? If not, how might you work to develop a solid financial plan moving forward.
Green Chemistry
If you wish to be considered for a Green Chemistry Student Chapter Award, please provide the following:
- A detailed summary of at least 3 events and explain why each event qualifies as an example of green chemistry, and
- One or more of the 12 principles of green chemistry that directly relate to each activity.
- A detailed summary of at least 3 events and explain why each event qualifies as an example of green chemistry, and
Technical Recommendations
U.S.-based Student Chapters:
We recommend that you clear your cache often and save frequently as typing does not count as activity! Only using the save button will keep you active in Student Chapters Online.
International Student Chapters and Graduate Student Organizations:
If you don't complete your report in one session, make sure to use the same browser. If you switch browsers, you'll need to redo all of your work.
Why can’t I login?
U.S.-based Student Chapters:
You have to be an ACS member (undergraduate student with a premium package or a faculty advisor with a standard or premium package) to login to Student Chapters Online. If you are a senior who has recently graduated and cannot login, please contact, we may be able to help extend your graduation date.
Use the Last Name / Member Number to login.
What do I do first?
Start by updating your chapter information at the start of the academic year. Under the “Chapter Information” section, add the roles of all your officers.
If the faculty advisor listed (U.S.-based student chapters only) is not correct, please contact
Do primary officers have to be ACS members?
Yes! The bylaws state that all officers must be ACS student members with a premium package.
Why does the roster not include all of our members?
U.S.-based Student Chapters:
If your roster has incorrect information, please send a list of names and member numbers that you believe should be included on the roster to
International Student Chapters and Graduate Student Organizations:
You'll be submitting your list of members on the form, please make sure that you have everyone's ACS membership number available.
How many of our chapter events should we include in the report?
U.S.-based Student Chapters
All of them! To better understand what your student chapter does, add in all of your events with as much detail as you can. Try to add each event soon after it took place so the details are fresh in your mind.
For reoccuring events, such as a weekly Officer Meeting, add the meeting once and state in the description that this meeting takes place every week and give some examples of what you discuss.
International Student Chapters:
You will not be able to share all of your activities, but each section has a question to tell us about your most successful activity within Chapter Development, Professional Development, and Service/Outreach.
Graduate Student Organizations:
Please create a spreadsheet for each category (Professional Development, GSO development, and Service/Outreach) that details your events/activities. On the spreadsheet include date, location, number of people served (audience), number of GSO members participating, and a brief description of the purpose of each event.
How many pictures can I load into the system? Can I upload videos as well?
It is not recommended to upload videos. If you want to share videos, please put them in a shared drive and provide the link in your report, just remember to open up access to the shared drive.
For the U.S. based Student Chapters:
You can upload 5 items (doc, docx, jpg, pdf, png, txt, xls, xlsx) per event. Only share the best, high quality (300 DPI preferred) images. Do not create a collage or PDF of your pictures, in an effort to share more photos, as the quality is reduced. You can add links to videos or a shared drive in the event description.
For International Student Chapters or Graduate Student Organizations:
You may upload 15 pictures, a zip drive, or provide a link to a shared drive.
When is the chapter report due?
The report is due May 31 annually.
Can we get an extension?
You may reach out to to request an extension, but reports received after the deadline will be marked as Not for Review and will not be eligible for a Student Chapter Award. Extensions may be granted only under exceptional circumstances.
Will we get an email notification when the report is submitted?
For U.S.-based Student Chapters:
No, you will not get an automatic email notification from Student Chapters Online. You can log back in and check the Report Status in the About the Chapter section.
For International Student Chapters and Graduate Student Organizations:
Yes, the faculty advisor, co-faculty advisor, and group email should receive an email with your responses. The primary student member listed may also receive a copy.
On this page:
Student Community Toolkit
Successfully start and manage your student chapter or GSO with these resources. If you have any questions, email ACS Student Chapters at, ACS International Student Chapters at, or GSO at
Tips for Faculty Advisors
Faculty advisor responsibilities, tips for building a successful group, and other essential information