Teaching Labs in the Time of COVID-19
The American Chemical Society's Education Division will be hosting a quarterly discussion series that focuses on issues of interest to department chairs. All information on this site comes directly from those discussions. Discussions will be held quarterly in January, April, August, and October. Sessions are planned for the last Thursday of the month and are held on Zoom.
Lab Skills
A summary of breakout sessions on face-to-face (i.e. hands-on) lab skills and those that may be taught through a virtual platform.
A summary of breakout sessions on the assessment of virtual lab experiences.
Fall Teaching
A distillation of notes from breakout sessions on fall teaching.
Collated from a variety of crowdsourced sites and provided for informational purposes only.
Upcoming Discussions
August 2022 (at the ACS Fall Meeting): Department Chairperson Luncheon
Supporting Faculty and Students as we return to in-person teaching
October 2022 (virtual)
Join industry representatives as we discuss the skills needed for careers in industry and how these can be incorporated into an undergraduate curriculum.
Dates TBA
Stay tuned for new topics each quarter (January, April, July, October). Please reach out to us at cpt@acs.org with any suggestions for discussion topics.
Previous Discussions
April 2022
Teaching Evaluations
Notes from discussions
January 2022
Resilience for Academic Leaders
Dr. Lindsay Bira
Supporting materials from Dr. Bira
October 2021
General Chemistry Reform through a DEIR Lens
Highlights from the discussion from:
Faculty members | Department chairs
July, 2021
Best Practices for New Department Chairs
Highlights from the discussion from:
PUIs | MS institutions | Ph.D. institutions
April, 2021
Academic Integrity
Highlights from the discussion
Disclaimer: This event was designed to explore key questions regarding laboratory experiences and curricula. The opinions or views expressed in these discussions do not necessarily reflect the current statements and guidelines of the American Chemical Society, the views or opinions of ACS’s management or its members, or plans for renewed or revised policies. Chemistry departments seeking ACS Approval must continue to follow the ACS Guidelines for Bachelor’s Degree Programs as stipulated by the Committee on Professional Training, including those for laboratory instruction once their campuses resume face-to-face instruction without social distancing.